Leave of Absence & Withdrawal

If you plan to take a temporary break from University studies for one or more terms with the intent to return for a future term, you may request a leave of absence or a term withdrawal.

If you intend to stop your studies at the University before completing your program, and do not intend to return for a future term, you may request a total withdrawal.

Duration of Leave of Absence (Personal & Medical):

Minimum of one academic semester (4 months)
Maximum of two academic semesters (8 months)

Personal Leave of Absence

Personal Leave of Absence

Students may choose to take a personal leave of absence for internships, financial considerations, family responsibilities, or social engagement purposes.

Medical Leave of Absence

Medical Leave of Absence

A counselor or a physician should make a recommendation if a medical leave of absence is the appropriate choice for the student.

Leave of Absence FAQs

Will I still be able to prepare to register for courses when I don’t have access to Albert during my leave of absence?

You will still be able to search for courses on Albert public course search, which doesn’t require login information. You will be able to enroll in courses on Albert once your registration hold is lifted by your academic advisor.

Will I still be able to access my VPN during my leave?

If you aren't enrolled in any courses, you may not be able to access the VPN.

Will I still have access to the academic building and campus services while I am on a leave of absence?

Students may not audit classes, hold campus jobs, participate in student organizations, attend campus events, or reside in NYU housing during a leave of absence. Students may only visit the campus and any other University-owned facilities with the written permission of the Dean of Students or a designee.

Will my health insurance be impacted during a leave of absence?

Please check with the Student Health Center (shanghai.health@nyu.edu) about health insurance plans.

Can I extend my leave of absence?

Students are eligible for a maximum of 2 semesters of leave. An extension or reduction of the leave period may be granted by the Dean of Students for good cause. Students cannot be reinstated for a semester after the registration deadline for that semester has passed.

Information for Advisors [Log in Required]