Academic Skills Workshops

The ARC offers various workshops on a broad range of topics from writing to time management to test preparation. We offer both asynchronous online academic skills workshops and in-person academic skills workshops.

Academic Skills Workshops
Workshops are often offered in-person. If a workshop is inconveniently timed for your schedule, you can check out our asynchronous materials for useful information. Feel free to book an appointment on NYU Connect with a Global Writing & Speaking Fellow to receive one-on-one support covering any of these workshop topics.

Unable to attend a workshop or need a quick refresher on major topics? Click here to access a folder of academic skills resources.

ARC Academic Skills Workshops

These workshops cover a variety of topics and take place throughout the semester. Please check Engage for the most updated calendar of events.

Advanced Note-Taking: Taking Your Notes to the Next Level

Learn strategies to improve your note-taking detail and accuracy. Then, practice those strategies by applying them to a simulated lecture.

Advanced Time Management: Using Apps to Boost Your Productivity

Overwhelmed with coursework? Bring all of your syllabuses to this interactive ARC workshop so that you can create a master plan for your semester!

Advanced Academic Reading: Reading with Clarity, Precision, and Purpose

Read with purpose. Bring a short sample of your most challenging reading to this interactive ARC workshop so that you can apply strategies that can help you increase your understanding, analysis, and reading efficiency.

How to Start Writing: Tips for Overcoming Writer's Block

Combat writer's block! Bring an essay assignment from one of your classes, and apply the strategies you learn to start generating ideas for your academic writing.

Revising & Editing: Common Mistakes to Look For When You Edit Your Paper

Want to improve your essays? Bring an essay that you're working on or have recently submitted, and apply what you learn in this workshop to improve the clarity and coherence of your sentences, paragraphs, and essays.

Class Participation: Asking the Right Questions and Giving the Right Answers

Asking the right questions and giving the right answers: Make a strong impression with your professors. Learn and practice methods for keeping up with class conversations and participating more actively in group discussions.

Class Presentations: Compelling Ideas and Captivating PPTs

Want to become a more dynamic presenter? Bring your laptop so that you can start applying the strategies you learn for creating sleek PowerPoints and compelling content for your next class presentation.

Mastering Your Finals: Exam Prep & Performance Tips

From Calculus to Computer Science to Corporate Finance, you'll learn strategies for acing your finals.

GPS Workshop Series

The GPS Workshop Series provides support for students taking Global Perspectives on Society, a fundamental core course in the fall semester of your first year. These workshops cover major writing topics from brainstorming to outlining to polishing, and students also have the opportunity to attend community write-ins supported by Global Writing & Speaking Fellows. Check Engage for the most updated calendar of GPS workshops and events.

EAP Workshop Series

The EAP Workshop Series supports English for Academic Purposes 100 and 101, a two-semester core curriculum course that assists students in learning critical academic English communication skills. EAP Workshops provide out-of-class opportunities for students to practice, work on class assignments, and get additional support. Past EAP Workshop topics have included Presenting & Preparing Research, Summarizing & Responding to Texts, and Listening to Lectures. Check Engage for the most updated calendar of EAP workshops and events.

ESL Workshop Series

The English as a Second Language Workshop Series offers a variety of workshops and discussion groups on English-language skills and linguistic topics. Past ESL workshop topics have included Sino-Tibetan languages, Situational Speaking, Indic Languages, vocabulary-building, and more. Check Engage for the most updated calendar of EAP workshops and events.

Academic Integrity Workshops

Academic Integrity Workshops are held for first years at the beginning of the semester and periodically throughout the year. If you would like a make-up or refresher workshop on these topics, you can schedule a one-on-one appointment with a Global Writing & Speaking Fellow on NYU Connect or take a look at the Academic Bulletin.

Academic Integrity Tutorial

This online tutorial can help students identify values underlying Academic Integrity, develop understanding of NYU Shanghai's Academic Integrity policy, and apply values and NYU Shanghai's Academic Integrity policy to various real-life scenarios.

Joining a Scholarly Discussion

What does "entering into a scholarly discussion" mean? What is a "citation"? How can you know if a source is "scholarly" or not? This workshop prepares you for the scholarly life at NYU Shanghai and helps you start the journey of becoming a young rising scholar. This workshop is a part of the academic integrity series, and part of an ongoing discussion about building a community of integrity and scholarship at NYU Shanghai.

Using Sources in Academic Writing

Citations and Source Integration is intended to provide guidance as you work on your first Global Perspectives on Society (GPS) writing assignment. In this workshop, you will learn how to integrate texts into your writing and format in-text citations. This workshop is the second event in a three-part series on academic integrity, and part of an ongoing discussion about building a community of integrity and scholarship at NYU Shanghai.

Ethics in Education

The Ethics in Education workshop discusses how to make academic integrity-related decisions through a case study (Megon Walker vs. Harvard case) and introduces the 7 steps to making an ethical decision. It's the last part of NYU Shanghai's academic-integrity series and is meant to build on what students have learned in “Join a Scholarly Discussion” and “Using Sources in Academic Writing”.