Laboratory Safety

The Laboratory Management Department enforces comprehensive regulations and safety policies (please refer to the laws and regulations list) to ensure safety in the laboratories. All laboratory operations must follow relevant safety guidelines and, where applicable, adhere to specific local safety rules, including standard operating procedures. Laboratory personnel must complete appropriate safety training before participating in lab activities. Furthermore, periodic safety inspections are conducted rigorously to maintain and promote a strong safety culture.

Standard Operation Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are developed and regularly updated to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the laboratories. These procedures cover equipment usage, material handling, and emergency protocols. The Laboratory Management Department maintains up-to-date procedures and regulations, including safety training and chemical handling guidelines. Proper equipment usage is ensured through designated personnel, detailed logbooks, and clear operational instructions. Committed to continuous improvement, the laboratory management team strives to serve as a model teaching and research facility.

Laboratory SOPs

Laboratory Usage and Management

  1. Laboratory Usage Application Process
  2. Laboratory Visitor Registration System
  3. Laboratory Overnight Experiment Authorization Card
  4. Laboratory Asset Borrowing and Returning Form
  5. Laboratory Fixed Assets Inventory Form
  6. Laboratory Equipment Management Ledger
  7. High-Value Instrument Usage Logbook
  8. Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Record
  9. Laboratory Infrastructure Maintenance Record
  10. Laboratory Safety Meeting Minutes
  11. Laboratory Management Regulations of NYU Shanghai
  12. Standard Procedure for Cell Room Preparation and Cleaning
  13. Laboratory Power Outage Handling Procedure

Maintenance and Standard Operating Procedures

  1. Atlas Compressor Maintenance Procedure at NYU Shanghai
  2. Busch Vacuum Pump Maintenance Procedure at NYU Shanghai
  3. Gas Cylinder Operation Procedure at NYU Shanghai
  4. Firefighting Equipment Inspection Procedure at NYU Shanghai Laboratories
  5. Emergency Shower and Eyewash Station Inspection Procedure at NYU Shanghai Laboratories
  6. Standard Operating Procedure for Laboratory Purified Water Equipment
  7. Standard Operating Procedure for Wastewater Treatment Equipment

Safety Management and Protocols

  1. Laboratory Safety Agreement
  2. Laboratory Emergency Response Procedures
  3. Laboratory Safety Management System
  4. Laboratory Supplies Safety Management Regulations
  5. Management Process for Precursor Chemicals
  6. Purchase, Storage, Usage, and Disposal Process for Explosive Chemicals
  7. Classification, Collection, and Disposal Process for Laboratory Waste
  8. Laboratory Safety Training Management Process
  9. Laboratory Safety Equipment Inspection Process
  10. Laboratory Personal Protective Equipment Management Process
  11. Special Equipment Safety Management Process
  12. Construction, Maintenance, and Deregistration of Biosafety Laboratories
  13. Emergency Response Plan and Drill Procedure for Hazardous Chemical Leaks in Teaching Laboratories
  14. Laboratory Safety Rules
Equipment and Safety

The hard copy of Emergency Procedure for Teaching Laboratories (Updated April 2023) is provided in each laboratory.

Laboratory Safety Trainings

All lab users must take lab safety orientation and pass the quiz before they work in the laboratories. Please consult the Laboratory Management Department and the Environmental Health & Safety for laboratory access and training recommendations.

Laboratory Quizzes for Students (NetID required)

Lab Safety Equipment and Inspection

The laboratory supplies the following safety equipment, which is inspected periodically.

Laboratory Safety Equipment
  • First aid kits

Personal Protective Equipment including

  • Lab coats
  • Goggles, safety glasses & face shield
  • Gloves
  • Masks
  • Shoe covers

Chemical Safety Equipment

  • Safety showers
  • Eye washer stations
  • Chemical fumehood
  • Biosafety cabinets
  • Spill kits
  • Chemical secondary containment

Waste Handling Equipment

  • Biohazard waste containers
  • Liquid hazardous waste containers and solid hazardous waste containers
  • Sharps waste containers
  • Broken glass containers

Fire Safety Equipment

  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fire blankets
  • Sand

Lab Safety Committee

NYU Shanghai Laboratory Safety Committee consists of Campus Safety, Laboratory Management, and the Office of Research. It aims to strengthen the safety management of university laboratories and ensure the safety and compliance of laboratory activities. For more detailed information, please refer to Environmental Health and Safety.