Study Away and Visiting Students

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Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Academic Year 2024-2025)

2025 J-Term
Tuition & Fees$3,832.00  
For more information, please refer to Undergraduate J-term Website
2025 Summer I and Summer II Session
Tuition Fee (Per 4 credits)$5,632  
Estimated Books and Course materials*$250
Program Administration Fee$250
Cultural Trip Fee**$350
Housing FeeRoom TypeWeekly
Double in suite$264
Single in suite$315
Premium single$421
*All books and materials will be made available upon the start of the course. The flat fee is adjusted after the first week of classes to reflect your actual book charges and any amount paid above the actual book charges will be refunded.
**Cultural Trip is optional for Summer I and Summer II students.
2025 Summer Chinese Immersion Program
Tuition Fee$5,205  
Estimated Books and Course materials*$250
Program Administration Fee$600
Housing FeeRoom TypeWeekly
Double in suite$264
Single in suite$315
Premium single$421
*All books and materials will be made available upon the start of the course. The flat fee is adjusted after the first week of classes to reflect your actual book charges and any amount paid.

NOTE: For more information, please refer to

Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Academic Year 2023-2024)

2024 J-Term
Tuition & Fees*$3,688.00
*This covers accommodations, most meals, and workshop and activities fees. Students will need to purchase their own roundtrip airfare to and from Guangzhou.
For more information, please refer to Undergraduate J-term Website
2024 Summer I and Summer II Session
Tuition Fee (Per 4 credits)$4,948
Estimated Books and Course materials*$250
Program Administration Fee (Per session)$250
Cultural Trip Fee**$350
Housing FeeRoom TypeWeekly
Double in suite$276
Single in suite$316
Premium single$447
*All books and materials will be made available upon the start of the course. The flat fee is adjusted after the first week of classes to reflect your actual book charges and any amount paid above the actual book charges will be refunded. 
**Cultural Trip is optional for Summer I and Summer II students.
2024 Summer Chinese Immersion Program
Tuition Fee (For 8 credits)$5,010
Estimated Books and Course materials*$250
Program Administration Fee$600
Housing FeeRoom TypeWeekly
Double in suite$276
Single in suite$316
Premium single$447
*All books and materials will be made available upon the start of the course. The flat fee is adjusted after the first week of classes to reflect your actual book charges and any amount paid.

NOTE: For more information, please refer to

Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Academic Year 2022-2023)
2023 J-Term
Tuition Rate Per Course$6,520
Books and course material Fees*Course Specific
*All the books and course materials will be available to you upon arrival in Shanghai. Fees will be charged based on requirements of the specific course.
For more information, please refer to Undergraduate J-term Website
2023 Summer I and Summer II Session
Tuition Fee (For 4 credits)$4,764
Registration and services fee*$454
Estimated Books and Course materials**$250
Program Administration Fee (Per session)$250
Housing FeeRoom TypeWeekly
Double in suite$280
Single in suite$322
Premium single$455
*Registration and Services fee of $454 is a one time fee.
**All books and materials are available upon arrival in Shanghai. The flat fee is adjusted after the first week of classes to reflect your actual book charges and any amount paid above the actual charges will be refunded. 
2023 Summer Chinese Immersion Program
Tuition Fee (For 8 credits)$4,368
Registration and services fee*$454
Estimated Books and Course materials**$250
Activity Fee$600
Housing FeeRoom TypeWeekly
Double in suite$280
Single in suite$322
Premium single$455
*Registration and Services fee of $454 is a one time fee.
**The book and course material fees will be charged based on the requirement of the course.

NOTE: For more information, please refer to

Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Academic Year 2021-2022)
2022 J-Term
Tuition Per Course$6,332
Activity Fee$150
Housing Fee (Optional)$1,000
Books and course material Fees*Course Specific
*All books and course materials will be made available upon arrival in Shanghai. Fees will be charged based on specific course requirements.
For more information, please refer to the Undergraduate J-term Website
2022 Summer I and Summer II course 
Tuition Fee (Per 4 credits)$4,624
Registration and services fee*$445
Estimated Books and Course materials**$250
Program Administration Fee (Per session)$250
Cultural Trip Fee***$350
Housing FeeHousing may not be available during Summer 2022 due to the university campus relocation. 
*Registration and Services fee of $445 is a one time fee.
**All books and materials are available upon arrival in Shanghai. The flat fee is adjusted after the first week of classes to reflect your actual book charges and any amount paid above the actual charges will be refunded. 
***Cultural Trip is optional for Summer I and Summer II students.
2022 Summer Chinese Immersion Program
Tuition Fee (For 8 credits)$4,240
Registration and services fee*$445
Estimated Books and Course materials**$250
Activity Fee$600
Housing FeeHousing may not be available during Summer 2022 due to the university campus relocation. 
*Registration and Services fee of $445 is a one time fee.
**The book and course material fees will be charged based on the requirement of the course.

NOTE: For more information, please refer to

Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Academic Year 2020-2021)
2021 J-Term
Tuition Per Course$6,148
Activity Fee$150
Housing Fee$1,000
Books and course material Fees*Course Specific
*All books and course materials will be made available upon arrival in Shanghai. Fees will be charged based on specific course requirements.
For more information, please refer to
2021 Summer I and Summer II course
Tuition (4 credits)$4488.00
Registration and Services fee*$436.00
Estimated Books and Course Materials**$250.00
Program Administration Fee (Per Session)$250.00
Cultural Trip Fee***$350.00
Housing FeeJinqiao Communal
Triple: $628 (6 weeks)Triple: $1,256 (12 weeks)
Standard Double:
$785 (6 weeks)
Standard Double:
$1,571 (12 weeks)
Large Double: $942 (6 weeks)Large Double: $1,884 (12 weeks)
Single: $1,411 (6 weeks)Single: $2,822 (12 weeks)
Jinqiao Apartment
Standard Double:
$1,572 (6 weeks)
Standard Double:
$3,143 (12 weeks)
Large Double: $1,719 (6 weeks)Large Double: $3,437 (12 weeks)
*The Registration and Services fee of $436 is a one time fee.
**All books and materials will be available upon arrival in Shanghai. The flat fee will be adjusted after the first week of classes to reflect actual book charges.
***The Cultural Trip is optional for Summer I and Summer II students.
2021 Summer Chinese Immersion Program
Tuition (8 credits)$4116.00
Registration and Services Fee*$436.00
Estimated Books and Course materials**$250.00
Program Administration Fee and Cultural Trip Fee***$600.00
Housing FeeJinqiao Communal
Triple: $628 (6 weeks)Triple: $1,256 (12 weeks)
Standard Double:
$785 (6 weeks)
Standard Double:
$1,571 (12 weeks)
Large Double: $942 (6 weeks)Large Double: $1,884 (12 weeks)
Single: $1,411 (6 weeks)Single: $2,822 (12 weeks)
Jinqiao Apartment
Standard Double:
$1,572 (6 weeks)
Standard Double:
$3,143 (12 weeks)
Large Double: $1,719 (6 weeks)Large Double: $3,437 (12 weeks)
*The Registration and Services fee of $436 is a one time fee.
**Book and course material fees will be charged based on course requirements.
***The Cultural Trip is not optional for Chinese Immersion Program students.
Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Academic Year 2019-2020)
2020 J-Term
Tuition Fee$5,972
Activity Fee$300
Housing Fee$950
Books and course material Fees*Course Specific
*All the books and course materials will be available to you upon arrival in Shanghai. Fees will be charged based on requirements of the specific course.
For more information, please refer to
2020 Summer I and Summer II course 
Tuition Fee (Per 4 credits)$4,360
Registration and services fee*$428
Estimated Books and Course materials**$250
Program Administration Fee (Per session)$250
Cultural Trip Fee***$350
Housing Fee weekly rate6 week12 week
Double Room $171$1,027$2,054
Large Double Room $205$1,229$2,457
Single Room $308$1,846$3,692
*Registration and Services fee of $250 is a one time fee.
**All books and materials are available upon arrival in Shanghai. The flat fee is adjusted after the first week of classes to reflect your actual book charges.
***Cultural Trip is optional for Summer I and Summer II students.
2020 Summer Chinese Immersion Program
Tuition Fee (For 8 credits)$4,000
Registration and services fee*$428
Estimated Books and Course materials**$250
Program Administration Fee and Cultural Trip Fee***$600
Housing Fee (9 week)Double Room $1,540
Large Double Room $1,843
Single Room $2,769
*Registration and Services fee of $250 is a one time fee.
**The book and course material fees will be charged based on the requirement of the course.
***Cultural Trip is not optional for Chinese Immersion Program students.
Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Academic Year 2018-2019)
2019 J-Term
Tuition Fee*$5,804
Activity Fee$300
Housing Fee**$850
Book and course material Fees***Course Specific
*Once accepted, you should confirm your participation in the program by paying the non-refundable confirmation fee of $500. This fee will be applied towards your tuition. 
**Once accepted, you should confirm your housing by paying the non-refundable confirmation fee of $300. This fee will be applied towards your housing charge. 
***All the books and course materials will be available to you upon arrival in Shanghai.
The book and course material fees will be charged based on requirements of the specific course after the J-term add/drop deadline.
For more information, please refer to
2019 Summer I and Summer II course 
Tuition Fee ( For 4 credits)$4,236
Registration and services fee$420
Estimated Books and Course materials*$250
Program Administration Fee$250
Cultural Trip Fee**$350
Housing Fee weekly rate6 week9 week12 week
Double Room $163$978$1,467$1,956
Large Double Room $195$1,170$1,755$2,340
Single Room $293$1,758$2,637$3,516
* The book and course material fees will be charged based on the requirement of the course.
** Cultural Trip is optional for Summer I and Summer II students.
*** Confirmation Fee: One time non-refundable confirmation fee of $500. This fee will be applied towards tuition. This applies to the Non NYUSH students studying in SH.
2019 Summer Chinese Immersion Program
Tuition Fee ( For 8 credits)$3,886
Registration and services fee$420
Estimated Books and Course materials*$250
Program Administration Fee and Cultural Trip Fee**$600
* The book and course material fees will be charged based on the requirement of the course.
** Cultural Trip is not optional for Chinese Immersion Program students.
*** Confirmation Fee: One time non-refundable confirmation fee of $500. This fee will be applied towards tuition. This applies to the Non NYUSH students studying in SH.
Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Academic Year 2017-2018)
2018 J-Term
Tuition Fee*$5,648
Activity Fee$300
Housing Fee**$775 (for a double room)
Book and course material Fees***Course Specific
*Once accepted, you should confirm your participation in the program by paying the non-refundable confirmation fee of $500. This fee will be applied towards your tuition.
**Students will be housed at the Tong Mao hotel located behind the NYU Shanghai Academic Building. All students will be in a shared double room with a private bathroom. The cost of your housing will include access to wifi, daily breakfast buffet, fitness center, swimming pool, and housekeeping services.

All the books and course materials will be available to you upon arrival in Shanghai.

The book and course material fees will be charged based on requirements of the specific course.

2018 Summer I and Summer II course
Tuition Fee ( For 4 credits)$4,124
Registration and services fee*$412
Book and course material FeesThe book and course material fees will be charged based on the requirement of the course.
Activities Fee*$250
Cultural Trip Fee**$350
Housing Fee 6 week9 week
Double Room$932$1,399
Large Double Room$1,115$1,673
Single Room$1,676$2,514
* Registration and Services fee of $412 is a one time fee.
** Activity Fee $250 is for one session only.
*** Cultural Trip is optional for Summer I and Summer II students.
**** Confirmation Fee: One time non-refundable confirmation fee of $500. This fee will be applied towards tuition.
2018 Summer Chinese Immersion Program
Tuition Fee ( For 8 credits)$3,784
Registration and services fee*$412
Book and course material FeesThe book and course material fees will be charged based on the requirement of the course.
Program And Activity Fee**$600 (includes requried clutral trip to Beijing)
Housing Fee (9 weeks)Double Room$1,399
* Registration and Services fee of $412 is a one time fee.
** Cultural Trip is not optional for Chinese Immersion Program students.
*** Confirmation Fee: One time non-refundable confirmation fee of $500. This fee will be applied towards tuition.