A transcript is a comprehensive record of a student's academic progress at New York University Shanghai. There are two types of transcripts available for students to order: Unofficial and Official.
Official Transcripts
An official transcript is a secure, verifiable document issued from the university and can be submitted for official purposes such as for program or visa application. Official transcripts are issued in two formats:
Secure PDF electronic transcript (eTranscript):
eTranscripts are digitally signed and certified PDF documents that can be delivered to your designated email address. eTranscripts are a good option when you are required to submit your academic record electronically in a secure and timely manner.
You can request an official eTranscript by accessing your NYU Albert account. Select “Transcripts Official” under the Grades and Transcripts section of the Student Center and you will be directed to National Student Clearinghouse, NYU’s eTranscript service provider. You can find more information here.
If you don’t have access to NYU Albert, you can order an eTranscript directly from the National Student Clearinghouse.
You can attach up to 2 additional documents to your eTranscript with no additional cost for your recipient to retrieve as well. For example, you can request a Statement of University Status via the Documents and Transcripts Requests Form as addendum when sending your official eTranscript.
Note: Transcripts cannot be produced for students with a Transcript Hold on their Albert.
Signed and sealed paper transcript:
You can request an official paper transcript from the NYU Shanghai Office of the Registrar by submitting your request in the Document and Transcript Request Form below. Students can request for up to 3 official transcripts free of charge from the Registrar’s Office per semester. The additional transcripts requested would cost RMB 20 each.
Additionally, you can also request for a scanned copy of your official transcript via the Document and Transcript Request Form.
If you are not in Shanghai, you can request for an official transcript delivered to your designated address. Note that all express-related expenses incurred shall be borne by the student requestor.
- For domestic delivery in China, send your request to shanghai.registrar@nyu.edu with detailed contact information of receiver(s) (i.e. address, post code, contact person, telephone number). The receiver will need to pay upon the delivery.
- For international delivery, you can find the instructions on ordering your transcript here. You will need to pay ahead of the delivery.
Unofficial Transcripts
An unofficial transcript is an easily accessible document for you to verify your academic progress and degree. Confirming your information on an unofficial transcript is useful before requesting an official transcript. Unofficial transcripts are issued in e-version only.
You can access your unofficial transcript through NYU Albert under the Grades and Transcripts section of the Student Center. Select “Transcripts Unofficial” with your pop-up blocker off in your browser to view.
Special Handling
If your request involves special handling, please contact shanghai.registrar@nyu.edu with detailed instructions for better assistance. Special handling includes:
- Sending paper transcripts to yourself in separate sealed envelopes addressed to admissions offices of other universities.
- Sending a scanned copy of your official transcript and additional documents to a designated email address from the Registrar’s Office email.
Undergraduate students please note: Your academic advisor is a critical resource for making important academic decisions. Be sure to consult with your advisor if you are considering attending a summer session or study abroad program at another university or if you are considering transferring out of NYU Shanghai to complete your degree elsewhere.