By the Numbers
Core Curriculum
NYU Shanghai’s curriculum provides students with the best of a liberal arts education experience. Undergraduates explore six major curriculum modules in their first two years. Foundational courses like Global Perspectives on Society (GPS) and Perspectives on the Humanities (PoH) require students to examine core questions from multiple perspectives and engage in dialogue across cultures and disciplines.
including Global Perspectives on Society (GPS) and Perspectives on the Humanities (PoH)
including Writing as Inquiry (WAI) and Perspectives on the Humanities (PoH)
one Math course or placing into Calculus
including Experimental Discovery (ED) and Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
one Algorithmic Thinking (AT) class
Chinese or English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
From Our Students
Design Your Major
NYU Shanghai expects its undergraduate students to spend their first two years building core competencies before selecting their major. Students can follow their own course of study, combining majors, pursuing double majors, or designing a unique course of study based on their academic and professional interests.
Make the World Your Major
Students at NYU Shanghai learn not only from books but also from their experience of the world. Students are required to study away for at least one semester within NYU’s global network, which includes the New York and Abu Dhabi campuses and 13 global academic centers. Study Away programs allow students to access globally integrated curriculums, faculty, research, and student services. NYU Shanghai also hosts students from NYU’s other two campuses, who come to Shanghai to anchor their studies or engage in volunteer activities to gain a deeper understanding of China.