Learning Assistants Spring 2024

  • Yiling Cao (Lead LA)


    MATH-SHU 151: Multivariable Calculus

    Hi! I'm Yiling Cao from the class of 2025, double majoring in Mathematics and Data Science. I'm passionate about frontier Operation research and applications, and my main research focus is in applied optimization in management and engineering. Outside of academics, I'm also interested in photography, badminton, and exhibitions. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need any help!

  • Rundong (Lukas) Luo


    MATH-SHU 140: Linear Algebra

    Hi! My name is Rundong and you can call me Lucas. I am a sophomore majoring in Data Science and will be LA for Linear Algebra this semester. This course covers some concepts that may be abstract to understand, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. As an LA, I am more than glad to work with you guys. Outside of academics, I love playing and watching football, and I'm a Chelsea. So if you happen to have similar hobbies, I am also happy to chat with you. Looking forward to seeing you!!!

  • Yi (Evelyn) Yao


    MATH-SHU 140: Linear Algebra

    Hi! I'm Yi Yao, a sophomore in Math and Data Science. Inspired by the joy and motivation I find in daily interactions with my peers, I'm very honored to become an LA in Linear Algebra this semester. Personally, I enjoy watching anime and my favorite one is 鬼滅の刃. Also, I love reading novels and traveling. Feel free to reach out if you need help. I look forward to making learning easier and hopefully making friends with you!

  • Zhehao (Stephen) Zhang


    MATH-SHU 235: Probability and Statistics

    Hello there! My name is Zhehao Zhang. I am thrilled to be the LA for the upcoming semester's Probability and Statistics. Currently, I am a senior pursuing a major in Mathematics and minor in Data Science, I'm now interested in the application of probability theory in the real world, and also in quantitative trading, so if you are interested in such fields as well, feel free to reach out to me! Personally, I am a Popping dancer for over ten years and other than that i love to play poker(TEXAS HOLD"EM), video games and basketball, etc in my leisure time. I'm also more than happy to make new friends and learning partner. I'm also a true believer that learning is reciprocal, that being said, I'm also looking forward to learning from you guys! Anyways, excited as i am, I'm looking forward to helping each of you as much as i can in the upcoming semester.

  • Menghan (Megan) Liu


    MATH-SHU 235: Probability and Statistics

    Hi everyone! I'm Menghan Liu, but you can also call me Megan. I'm a sophomore majoring in mathematics. I had a wonderful experience with Probability and Statistics last semester, so the material is still fresh in my mind. I'm very honored to be the LA of Probability and Statistics this semester and am excited in helping you all. If you have questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm also interested in music, cooking and traveling. Looking forward to meeting you all in class!

  • Haozhe (Leo) Shao


    MATH-SHU 9: Precalculus

    Hi, I'm Leo, a sophomore majoring in Math. As Precalculus might be the first math lesson for some of you at NYU Shanghai, I hope that you will have a great experience with it to start your college life. I'm a local Shanghainese, and I'm willing to share something about the place where I was born and raised with those who are new to here. Please feel free to reach me out if you have any question.

  • Yuhong (Yolanda) Geng


    MATH-SHU 9: Precalculus

    Hi! I am Yolanda Geng, a sophomore interested in Math and DS, if you encounter any problems in calculus that you don't understand, feel free to reach out! Outside of academic, I am also interested in skating, flute, piano and board game. Looking forward to see you!

  • Tianyu (David) Jiang


    MATH-SHU 131: Calculus

    Hi! I’m Tianyu (David) Jiang , a sophomore majoring in Math. With a great learning experience with Calculus and a passion for providing help to my fellow students, I’m delighted to become the Calculus LA and willing to share my knowledge with you. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. Moreover, I love singing, playing the piano, and aviation. Looking forward to meeting you all and hopefully making friends with you!

  • Qiuyi (Richael) Wang


    MATH-SHU 131: Calculus

    Hi everyone! My name is Qiuyi Wang, and this semester I'm delighted to work as a learning assistant (LA) for Calculus. As a rising sophomore majoring in Computer Science, I'm fond of natural language processing and take great academic interest in large language models. Beyond academics, I'm an enthusiastic museum-goer and occasionally work as a guide at the Shanghai Museum. It's a great pleasure to join you on this mathematical journey, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all in ARC!

  • Fangzhou Chen


    MATH-SHU 131: Calculus

    Hi, I am Fangzhou Chen, a senior double major in finance and data science. Being a LA is a great opportunity for me to share my knowledge and help my peers. I will try my best to help you in the course Calculus. Looking forward to meeting you!

  • Yiru Zhou


    MATH-SHU 131: Calculus

    Hi, I'm Yiru, a senior majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics. I'm also very interested in Biology and am seeking a combination of my majors and my interests. In my daily life, I love animation and hiking. So far, my biggest goal is to achieve a work-life balance. I hope to have a fulfilling and enjoyable personal life, while being able to separate it from my studies and work. However, I am still working on it and trying to find the pace of my life. Looking forward to seeing you.

  • Syed (Ali) Haider (Lead LA)

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 210: Data Structures

    Hi! I'm Ali, a senior majoring in Computer Science with interests in Recommendation Systems & Multimodal AI Systems. I'll be one of your Learning Assistants for Data Structures. This course is one of my favorites because it instills a mindset of thinking in terms of complexity and optimization. It's an intellectually rewarding experience, and as your LA, I'm excited to support your learning journey. Feel free to reach out!

  • Alessandro (Ale) Pignataro

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 210: Data Structures

    Hello everyone! I'm Alessandro Pignataro, but feel free to call me Ale. I'm currently majoring in Mathematics and Data Science, driven by a deep curiosity to understand how the world works and the desire to find the best frameworks for analyzing it. My academic journey is fueled by a passion for problem-solving, and I love channeling this into building innovative and challenging projects.

    I became a Learning Assistant to take on a new challenge that pushes the boundaries of my knowledge in data structures. I thrive in environments that demand growth, and this role seemed like the perfect opportunity to do just that.

    Outside the classroom, I'm all about staying active. I'm into all kinds of sports, but kite surfing and swimming are my true passions. Kite surfing lets me push myself to jump higher, while swimming is where I strive to constantly improve my speed. Both challenge me to go beyond my limits, just like in my academic and professional pursuits.

  • Liyuan Geng

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 360: Machine Learning

    I am Liyuan Geng, a senior majoring in Computer Science, and Data Science with a concentration in AI. My research interest includes robotics and computer vision. Besides research and academics, I love playing chess and ping pong.

  • Yutong (Abby) Liu

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 11: Introduction to Computer Programming

    Hi everyone! I'm Yutong(Abby) Liu, a sophomore majoring in Computer Science. If you encounter any problems in ICP, feel free to reach out to me at ARC. Beyond study, I enjoy playing badminton, so welcome to ask me to play. I'm looking forward to meeting you!

  • Yanhao (Josiah) Li

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 11: Introduction to Computer Programming

    Hi! I’m Yanhao Li, and you can also call me Josiah. I’m a sophomore and intend to major in CS and math. I enjoy coding and solving problems. I’m really excited to be the LA for ICP this semester and solve problems together with you! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us. Can’t wait to see you and help you do your best in ICP!

  • He (Helen) Tu

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 11: Introduction to Computer Programming

    Hi! I am Helen, a sophomore majoring in Data science & Business and Finance. I am very excited to work at ARC this semester as an LA for Intro to Computer Programming. If you have any questions or if you need any help in the course, feel free to reach out to me! A fun fact about me is that I love detective novel. Look forward to meeting you and making progress together!

  • Zijun (Jonathan) Wu

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 101: Introduction to Computer and Data Science

    Hi everyone, my name is Zijun Wu, and you can call me Jonathan. I'm a sophomore student currently majoring in computer science. I decided to become a LA because i am passionate about helping others in need. Currently I'm focusing on the regular courses on campus, but I'm considering doing some research in CS as well. During my spare time, I enjoy playing video games, watching football games and playing badminton. Looking forward to meeting you!

  • Ziyun Yu

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 213: Databases

    Hi, I'm Ziyun, a senior majoring in Computer Science. I'm excited to be LA for Database this semester. I like building LEGO and oil painting. I believe this position can bring me great pleasure when I help the fellow students with their study. Feel free to come to my office hour and email me if you have any difficulties about the course or project. Looking forward to meeting you and making progress together!

  • Qingyang (Steven) Zhang

    Computer Science

    CSCI-SHU 2314: Discrete Mathematics

    Hi! I'm Steven Zhang, a senior majoring in Computer Science and Data Science with a focus on machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing, particularly in medical applications. Outside of academics, I enjoy swimming and playing tennis. I'm excited to be your LA this semester and look forward to supporting you throughout your learning journey. Don't hesitate to reach out anytime — I'm here to help!

  • Hanyu Yao

    Natural Science

    PHYS-SHU 71: Foundations of Physics Lab I

    Hi everyone, my name is Hanyu Yao. You can also call me Alan. I am a rising junior majoring in Physics and minoring in Math. I am interested in astronomy, quantum computation, and math. I am excited to be your learning assistant of Physics Lab I. Please feel free to ask me for help if you have any question. I am looking forward to making your learning easier in the coming semester.

  • Dung (Addie) Nguyen

    Natural Science

    CHEM-SHU 125: Foundations of Chemistry I

    Hi! I am Addie (or you could call me Dzung or Jung or 孟勇), currently a rising sophomore from Vietnam. I intend to major in either Neural Science or Chemistry, with a minor in Social Science. I have been working as a tutor for the past five years, and it is my honor to assist everyone enrolled in the Foundations of Chemistry I course. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking Vietnamese and Thai dishes, binge-watching Thai lakorns and American criminal movies, and listening to K-pop songs. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any chemistry questions or are just craving some free Vietnamese food!

  • Lan (Ella) Zhang

    Natural Science

    BIOL-SHU 22: Foundations of Biology II

    Morning, afternoon or evening to all the natural science lovers! I’m Lan Zhang, the new LA for FoB 2, and a senior student majoring in biology. You can also call me Ella. I’m here to be your friend, let’s enjoy discovering the fun side of cells and molecules together while fighting towards our finals. I love drawing and trampoline as hobbies.

  • Chenfan (Chloe) Song

    Natural Science

    NEUR-SHU 130: Introduction to Linguistics: The Science of Human Language

    Hi! I'm Chloe, a sophomore majoring in Neural Science and intending to minor in Computer Science and/or Interactive Media Arts. I'm a big fan of sports with thirteen-year experience in badminton. I also love movies and art exhibitions. I applied for the LA position because I greatly benefited from my LAs in my freshman year. Meanwhile, I would like to learn something new from my tutee! If you have any academic questions, or you share similar interests with me, feel free to reach out ^_^

  • Boyun Zeng

    Natural Science

    PHYS-SHU 11: General Physics I

    Hi! I'm Boyun Zeng. I'm a sophomore and intend to major in Physics. This is my first time to be LA. I'm delighted to help you guys and improve myself as well.

  • Chenxuan (Tracy) Wu (Lead LA)

    Interactive Media Arts

    INTM-SHU 120: Communications Lab

    Hi! I'm Chenxuan(Tracy). I'm a Senior majoring in IMA. My passion varies from visual designing with various software (e.g. AI, PS, PR), to appreciating and analyzing contemporary arts. You're always welcome to book my office hours for anything related to Communications Lab and IMA, such as course materials, questions related to the software and equipment learned in classes, brainstorm session for your class projects, and more! Looking forward to seeing you during office hours and in the studio!

  • Wanyu (Kitty) Chen

    Interactive Media Arts

    INTM-SHU 120: Communications Lab

    Hi everyone! I am Wanyu Chen, and you can also call me Kitty. I am a sophomore majoring in IMA. I am interested in digital art and interactive designs. In my spare time I love traveling, visiting art galleries, and eating ice cream. I took Communications Lab in my freshman year and found it very interesting to express my ideas through photographs, videos and designs, so I’m really excited to be an LA in the upcoming semester and experience the fun of this course together with you. Looking forward to meeting you! :-D

  • Yanrui (Linda) Shao

    Interactive Media Arts

    INTM-SHU 101: Interaction Lab

    Hi, I’m Linda, a rising senior majoring in IMA. I became an LA to deepen my understanding of the course while assisting others. In my spare time, I enjoy photography and love all kinds of outdoor activities. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

  • Gwangun Kim

    Interactive Media Arts

    INTM-SHU 101: Interaction Lab

    Hi, I'm Gwangun Kim, majoring in Business and Finance and minoring in IMA. I'm glad to meet you all as an LA this semester. I love all kinds of art, especially movies and music. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. See you at the ARC!

  • Weiyi (Livvy) Lu

    Interactive Media Arts

    INTM-SHU 101: Interaction Lab

    Hi everyone! I’m Weiyi Lu, a sophomore intended to major in IMA and minor in CS. I have received great support from others during my academic career and hope to work with you as a LA. As my personal hobby, I love playing video games, especially those from Nintendo. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any concerns about the course.

  • Hanyue (Evelyn) Qin

    Interactive Media Arts

    INTM-SHU 101: Interaction Lab

    Hi everyone! I'm Evelyn, a senior majoring in IMA. I'm passionate about physical computing, contemporary arts, and digital media. I'm super excited to be a LA for Interaction Lab for the upcoming semester. Outside of school, my interests lie in music and travel. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. I love meeting new people and look forward to meeting you guys :D

  • Taojie Zhang

    Interactive Media Arts

    INTM-SHU 103: Creative Coding Lab

    Hi! I'm Taojie (TJ) with they/them pronouns. I'm a senior majoring in CS with minors in Math, IMA, and Humanities. As a frontend/full stack developer (Vue/React), Creative Coding Lab sparked my passion for frontend development. I'm interested in coding, gender studies, and human-computer interaction. In the future, I plan to explore UX design. Still figuring out my career path, I'm looking for something that combines my interests and pays the bills. Feel free to chat with me about CC Lab projects, coding challenges, or anything!

  • Ruijia (Arial) Hu

    Interactive Media Arts

    INTM-SHU 103: Creative Coding Lab

    Hi, I'm Arial, a sophomore major in IMA and intend to minor in Math/CS. The reasons why I would like to be an LA is that CCL is pretty chill and inspires me a lot on web page design, especially the functions and visual appeal. Also, I am passionate about spatial interaction, and willing to explore more on how people could have a closer relationship with the space around them. I am always open for your ideas!

  • Sylvia Trujillo

    Interactive Media Arts

    IMBX-SHU 110: Innovation Lab

    Hey! I'm Sylvia and I'm a sophomore majoring in Interactive Media and Business. I love cooking, languages, and anything to do with art. Innovation Lab taught me a lot last semester so as a Learning Assistant I hope to share my passion for the course and help guide you through any challenges you might encounter. I'm here to support your success, so don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!

  • Ximeng (Lisa) Lin (Lead LA)


    BUSF-SHU 101: Statistics for Business and Economics

    Hi! I'm Lisa, a senior double major in Business and Finance with Business Analytics track and Data Science. I really enjoy the tutoring process and communicating with tutees, and that is why I am excited to return to being an LA. I also enjoy dealing with data in different ways using knowledge from Stats for Business & Econ, which is also useful in future advanced course study. During my free time, I love watching musicals. Feel free to ask me if you need any help in learning this course and I am looking forward to meeting you on campus! One fun fact about me is that this is my third time being Professor Zheng's LA!

  • Zhenzhen (Jennifer) Wu


    BUSF-SHU 101: Statistics for Business and Economics

    Hi, I am Zhenzhen (Jennifer) Wu, a sophomore majoring in Business and Finance. I took Statistics for Business and Economics in 2024 Spring. I’m really excited to work in ARC as an LA to work together with all of you. Feel free to talk to me if you encountered any difficulties in this course. Besides, I'm interested in music and movies. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

  • James Yang


    BUSF-SHU 202: Foundations of Finance

    Hi, I'm James, a rising senior major in Business and Finance, minor in Mathematics. I'm very interested in quantitative finance and currently working as a research assistant with one of school's professors. Being a person that helps other students has always been something I wanted to do. Hope I can help you to achieve your academic success.

  • Zijin (King) Su


    BUSF-SHU 202: Foundations of Finance

    Hi, I am Zijin Su, a senior from class of 2025, double majoring in Data Science and Business and Finance. I am enthusiastic about exploring finance-related knowledge and enjoy sharing it, which led me to become a LA for FoF and Corporate Finance. I am also eager to assist others with Data Science issues, including ICDS, Data Structure, and Machine Learning. In my free time, I enjoy listening to Stefanie Sun, traveling, watching movies, car racing, and engaging in one-on-one social interactions.

  • Yijing (Cindy) Ling


    BUSF-SHU 210: Business Analytics

    Hello everyone! My name is Yijing(Cindy) Ling, a rising senior majoring in Business and Finance, while minoring in Mathematics. I am currently a returning Learning Assistant for the course Business Analytics. I am so glad to help you guys excel and share my love for this course, and I'm dedicated to fostering a collaborative learning environment. Outside of academics, I enjoy playing music and some extreme sports like skydiving and open water free diving. Looking forward to working with you all!

  • Siwen Yu


    BUSF-SHU 250: Principles of Financial Accounting

    Hi, I'm Siwen Yu, a senior majoring in Business and Finance. I have taken various accounting courses and I'm glad to return as an LA supporting Principles of Financial Accounting. It is a basic but important course as what you have learned will help you in more advanced business courses. Hope you enjoy the learning experience and gain solid knowledge! If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to reach out to me! Besides, in my spare time, I like traveling, photography, music, and sports. Looking forward to meeting you all!

  • Jiesong (Jason) Lan (Lead LA)


    ECON-SHU 1: Principles of Macroeconomics

    Hey! I'm Jason, a rising senior double majoring in Economics and Chemistry. I've been tutoring for over six years now and Principles of Macro is a course I've been an LA for before as well (with Prof. Eric Set). I deeply enjoy the process of breaking down concepts and facilitating understanding, and I'm confident that I'll be able to help make this semester go a little smoother for you guys. I usually spend my spare time working out, playing chess, or hanging out with my chihuahua. I can't wait to get to know you guys, and I look forward to helping you succeed in this course!

  • Aijia Li


    ECON-SHU 10: Intermediate Microeconomics

    Hi, I’m Aijia, a senior majoring in Economics with minors in Social Science and Math. I gained valuable knowledge and experience in Intermediate Microeconomics and hope to help you succeed in the course. I’d love to meet with passionate and dedicated Econ students and discuss interests beyond our class. Don’t hesitate to come to me if you have any questions and looking forward to meeting you at ARC!

  • Yangcheng (Vicky) Yao


    ECON-SHU 3: Microeconomics

    Hi!I am Vicky. I am a rising senior major in Business&Finance, with interests in exploring economics. I will offer you assistance in Microeconomics this semester. I have always treated tutoring as a way of mutual learning. The communication of minds gives me great satisfaction. I genuinely hope to accompany you and help with my experience. For my leisure time, I enjoy soccer and playing league. I'm quite open to questions, so feel free to reach out. Surely we are going to have a great semester.

  • Haozhan (Harvey) Jiang


    ECON-SHU 3: Microeconomics

    Hello! I'm Harvey, Class of 2026, majoring in Economics and Mathematics. During the past two years, I have enjoyed wonderful experiences working with both the Center for Career Development and the Econ Department, and I'm more than interested in joining your learning journey as your LA this semester. Please feel free to reach out and see you soon!

  • Dionysios (Dennis) Papadakis


    ECON-SHU 202: Intermediate Macroeconomics

    My name is Dennis and I am a senior studying economics and mathematics! I am excited to be your LA for Intermediate Macro this semester! I am very interested in econ at an academic level, and I am interested in pursuing further studies after I graduate. My main research interests are microeconomic theory (mechanism/information design, bounded rationality) and political economy (institutional/cultural economics). I will be happy to help you with anything related to your course, or simply chat about economics!

  • Junye Chen


    ECON-SHU 251: Economics of Global Business

    Hi, my name is Junye Chen, a rising senior from NYUSH. The current geopolitical landscape is increasingly complex, with events unfolding rapidly and unpredictably, impacting the global economy and, ultimately, our daily lives. If you're interested in discussing any of these issues, don't hesitate to reach out to me or Professor Zeidan. We can't wait to meet all enthusiastic and curious minds like yours!

  • Alisa Dyadchenko

    Chinese Language

    Elementary/intermediate/advanced Chinese

    Hi everyone! I am Alisa, the Chinese LA and I am here to help you with studying Chinese! My major is Social Science, track of psychology and my minor is Chinese. I was born in Beijing, the capital of China, and I grew up there. I love the Chinese culture and language and I am very looking forward to help you with any questions you might have in studying Chinese.

  • Keigan Carpenter

    Chinese Language

    Elementary/intermediate Chinese

    Hello! My name is Keigan, and I'm a rising senior majoring in Social Science with a concentration in Environmental Studies and minoring in Chinese Language and History. My current research interests include the challenges of "post-coal" Appalachia in the United States. Outside of my major, learning Chinese has truly been a highlight of my time at NYU Shanghai. I’m excited to support you in your language journey, so feel free to reach out or stop by!