Undergraduate Go Local Fall 2021 at NYU Shanghai

Last Updated: July 29, 2021

Most of the NYU Shanghai ("-SHU") courses will open to Go Local students on August 9 at 12 PM (Shanghai Time) and all courses will open to all students on August 23.


Fall 2021 Go Local Academic Information 

Go Local Academic Support

Meet the Go Local Advisors

Go Local FAQs and Technology Support

Fall 2021 Go Local Academic Information

Course Offerings

Go Local students can complete their schedule with a combination of the following type of courses. You must take at least 3 or more credits of an in-person course (Go Local Shanghai or NYU Shanghai courses). Courses with remote lectures and in-person recitations also count for the in-person requirement. 

1. Go Local Shanghai Courses

See instructions on finding Go Local Shanghai courses in Albert.

2. NYU Shanghai Courses (courses with -SHU suffix)

See instructions on finding NYU Shanghai courses in Albert.

Seats in NYU Shanghai courses ("-SHU") will be very limited. Most of the NYU Shanghai courses will open to Go Local students on August 9 at 12 PM (Shanghai Time), except that some seats in NYU Shanghai's core curriculum classes are reserved for incoming NYU Shanghai students until August 23 and you will receive a "reserved cap" error if you try to access those seats. All courses will open to all students on August 23

3. Courses offered by your Home School in online or blended formats

4. Courses offered by the Global Sites in online or blended formats

Global Sites courses listed as “blended” or “online” are available for 100% remote synchronous learning. See Language Course Enrollment Instructions if you plan to take a language course. 


Registration Instructions


Step 1: Find out your registration window for enrollment

Step 2: Explore course offerings

Step 3: Add courses to your shopping cart and validate your classes

Step 4: Work with your Home School Advisor for clearance

Find detailed Go Local Shanghai registration instructions in your Enrollment Portal.


Registration Assistance

Perceived Time Conflicts

If you need assistance with registering for classes with perceived but not actual time conflict due to different time zones, please fill out this Go Local Time Conflict Override Request Form after your registration is open. It will take 1-2 business days to get your request processed. You do NOT need to send your advisors any additional emails after filling this form.


Prerequisite Errors

Go Local Shanghai NYU Shanghai Courses: If you are unable to validate a course in Albert and receive a “prerequisite not met” error, but feel that you have satisfied the requirements for the course(s) via substitute New York or Abu Dhabi courses, contact shanghai.golocal.advising@nyu.edu or your Go Local Shanghai Advisor for assistance. 

Home School Courses and Other Global Sites Courses: Contact your Home School Advisor for assistance.


Reserved Capacity Errors

An error that says “available seats are reserved and you do not meet the reserve capacity requirements” indicates you are trying to access an NYU Shanghai course before it is open to you. 


Most of the NYU Shanghai courses will open to Go Local students on August 9, except that some seats in NYU Shanghai's core curriculum classes are reserved for incoming NYU Shanghai students until August 23. All other NYU Shanghai courses will open to Go Local students on August 23.


Registration Issues with Courses at the Global Sites

Contact Global Academics at global.academics@nyu.edu if you encounter any registration errors for courses offered at Global Sites.


Registration Issues with Courses at NYU Abu Dhabi

Contact nyuad.registrar@nyu.edu for assistance if you encounter any registration issues with NYU Abu Dhabi courses. 


Add/Drop/Withdrawal Deadlines, Academic Calendar

In-person and online courses specifically designed for Go Local students as well as regular in-person Shanghai courses follow the NYU Shanghai Academic Calendar.

Refer to the relevant Academic Calendar for add/drop/withdrawal deadlines and other important dates.


Refer to the textbooks website and email shanghai.textbooks@nyu.edu if you have any questions about textbook purchase and verification instructions. 

Go Local Academic Support

The NYU Shanghai Academic Resource Center (ARC) offers one-on-one writing consultations, course-specific peer tutoring, academic skills workshops, and academic accommodations throughout the spring semester, both in-person and via virtual platform.

Writing Support

The information about writing support in Fall 2021 will be updated in late August. 


Schedule an online appointment with the NYU Writing Center.

Course-Specific Tutoring

The information about course-specific tutoring sessions in Fall 2021 will be updated in late August. 


Go Local Learning Assistants (LAs) provide individual and group tutoring in the following Go Local courses. If you are enrolled in NYU Shanghai courses, you can find out the full list of Spring 2021 LA-supported courses on the ARC Course-Specific Tutoring website.


-MATH-UA 121 Calculus I

-MATH-UA 122 Calculus II

-MATH-UA 211 Mathematics for Economics I

-MATH-UA 212 Mathematics for Economics II

-MA-UY 2314 Discrete Mathematics

Computer Science

-CSCI-UA 2 Intro to Computer Programming

Business & Finance

- ACCT-UB 1 Principles of Financial Accounting

-FINC-UB 2 Foundations of Finance

-FINC-UB 7 Corporate Finance

-MKTG-UB 1 Intro to Marketing

-BUSF-SHU 101 Statistics for Business and Economics


-ECON-UA 1 Intro to Macroeconomics

-ECON-UA 18 Statistics (P)

-ECON-UB 11 Economics of Global Business

-ECON-UA 231 Money and Banking

Schedule an appointment with a Go-Local LA on WCOnline. Please select the [Go-Local schedule] to find out the LA's schedule. In-person tutoring sessions take place at the Shinmay ARC in Room 28-101. Online tutoring sessions take place via Zoom, and the Zoom link can be found on the WCOnline appointment page under the LA's bio.

Asynchronous Academic Skills Workshops

If you want to develop academic skills in test preparation, stress management, time management, note-taking, presentation skills, advanced writing, reading skills, and etc., please check out these asynchronous workshops.

Academic Accommodations

Any student who wishes to apply for an academic accommodation (e.g., disability, physical/mental-emotional health) or a testing accommodation (e.g., extended exam time, electronic device permissions) can register with the NYU Moses Center for Student Accessibility.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Interim ARC Assistant Director Tong Jin at tong.jin@nyu.edu or NYU Shanghai Academic Accommodations team at shanghai.academicaccomodations@nyu.edu.

ARC Locations & Hours


Shinmay ARC: Shinmay Building, 28th Floor, Room 28-101
Academic Building ARC: Main Academic Building, 5th Floor, Room 519


Operation Hours:

Monday-Thursday, 9AM-8PM; Friday, 9AM-5PM

ARC Website | shanghai.arc@nyu.edu

New York Academic Support Resources

NYU University Learning Center

The University Learning Center in New York provides academic skills workshops and one-on-one and group learning sessions in Math, Computer Science, Language, Writing, Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences, and Business for New York courses offered online.


NYU Writing Center

The Writing Center in New York provides remote writing consultations at every stage of the writing process and on any piece of writing except for exams. Watch the introductory video and schedule an appointment. You will need to create an account when you use the system for the first time. Click “First visit? Register for an account.”

Meet the Go Local Advisors

Read your Go Local Advisor's bio. Your Go Local Shanghai Advisor can help you with the following:

  • Finding Go Local courses in Albert
  • Academic planning for Go Local Shanghai and NYU Shanghai courses
  • Registration assistance for Go Local courses
  • General inquiries about Go Local Academics or Programs

Go to NYU Connect to make an appointment with your Go Local advisor.

Go Local FAQs

Finding Courses in Albert

1. Where do I find Go Local Shanghai courses in Albert?

See instructions on finding Go Local Shanghai courses in Albert.



2. Where do I find NYU Shanghai courses in Albert?

 See instructions on finding NYU Shanghai courses in Albert. 



3. How do I find out which courses are offered at the Global Sites in Albert?

See these instructions. You can also find Global course lists on this website to filter your options by time zone. 

Academic Planning & Registration

1. I have a valid F-1 visa for study in the US. Do I qualify for Go Local?

No. Students who are able to register for classes in-person should plan to do that on the New York campus or at a study away location. You may apply to enroll in NYU Study Away at NYU Shanghai or another NYU location.


Please contact global.admissions@nyu.edu if you have any questions about your eligibility. 




2. What is the difference between Study Away at NYU Shanghai and Go Local?

These are a few differences between these two programs:


Study Away: Sophomore, junior, or senior standing. Students should consult their home school advisor for questions about eligibility.

Go Local: First year, sophomore, or transfer students standing.


Study Away: Full-time enrollment (12 to 18 credits) of in-person classes including language requirement. Exemptions from the language requirement may apply for native Chinese speakers.

Go Local: One in-person courses required. Students are encouraged to take two courses (8 credits) of in-person instruction with remaining courses through remote instruction.


Study Away: Register for regular NYU Shanghai classes. Study away students may take one Go Local course if they desire.

Go Local: Register for classes specifically designed for the Go Local participants, access to NYU Shanghai classes may be available.


Study Away: Students are NOT required to live on campus. 

Go Local: Students may apply for the on-campus housing. 




3. What is the in-person class requirement? 

Students who enroll in the Go Local option at NYU Shanghai must enroll in at least 3 or more credits of an in-person course and are encouraged to take two courses in person, subject to availability.



4. Can I take online courses only in Fall 2021?

No. You need to register for at least one in-person course in Shanghai. You can register for as many in-person courses as you would like, pending availability.



5. Can I register for less than 12 credits in Fall 2021?

No. Full-time students must register for at least 12 credits. 


6. Can I register for more than 18 credits per semester?

With clearance from their home school academic advisor, students in good academic standing may register for more than 18 points per term after their first year. Students may be charged additional fees for tuition or books. If you want to register for more than 18 credits for Fall 2021, please consult with your Home School Advisor.


7. Can I take -SHU arts courses?

Yes. Go Local students will be allowed to register for 2- or 4-credit -SHU arts courses if there are available seats. 



8. Will I be required to take a language course?

Go Local students will not be required to take a language course.


9. Does taking 0-2 credits of an in-person course (e.g., art, performance) fulfill the in-person course requirement? 

No. Such courses can NOT be used to fulfill the in-person course requirement.

Academic Advising

1. Who should I talk to get cleared for fall registration?

Your Home School Advisor will clear you for registration by following processes that are in place for your Home School. Some schools require students to meet with their advisor while others do not. Ask your Home School Advisor if you have questions about getting cleared for registration. Go Local Advisors will be on site to answer any questions that may come up, but they will not be able to lift your registration hold.

You can ask your Home School Advisor about:

  • How certain courses count toward your degree requirements
  • Academic planning for Fall 2021, overall academic planning, and degree progress


2. How do I make an appointment with my Go Local Shanghai Academic Advisor? 

All admitted Go Local students can schedule advising appointments with their Go Local Shanghai Advisor via NYU Connect. Continuing Go Local students may see an advisor during Walk-In Hours (10 am - Noon, Monday - Friday) or make an appointment


3. What are the course withdrawal and Pass/Fail deadlines for Fall 2021?

Please see the NYU Shanghai's academic calendar for Fall 2021.


4. How do I find study spaces in Shinmay Building? 

One of the floors in Shinmay will be a dedicated library and study space. There will also be WeWork phone booth spaces, which students can use for more privacy. However, there are no private rooms available for individual study.


5. How do I declare a minor? 

Ask your home school advisor about declaring a minor.


6. Can I take placement exams? 

Find information on NYU Shanghai placement exams on this webpage. Please consult with your home school advisor if the exam will be suitable for any course that you want to use the results for placement or pre-req purposes. Go Local students should take the exams in person.


Student Life/Housing/Mobility

1. Where is the Shanghai Go Local campus located?

In-person Go Local courses will be held at WeWork Shinmay Union Square in Pudong (Line 9 Shangcheng Road), which is one subway stop from the NYU Shanghai campus (Line 2 Century Avenue). Students will mainly be at the Shinmay building, but may attend classes in the NYU Shanghai academic building. Both buildings are located within walking distance of each other.


2. How can I replace a lost ID card? 

Having an NYUCard is important throughout the semester because it gives you access to the main academic building, Shinmay building, and other resources (e.g., library, printing, billing, etc). Follow these instructions to get a new NYUCard or replace a lost card. If you have further questions, send an email to shanghai.publicsafety@nyu.edu


3. Who should I ask if I have questions related to my health insurance? 

Please contact the Student Health Center at shanghai.health@nyu.edu.


4. Who should I contact if I have an inquiry about housing?

Please contact the NYU Shanghai Residential Life at shanghai.reslife@nyu.edu



5. Who should I contact if have a visa-related questions?

For visa-related inquiries about your study away status and US immigration, please contact the Office of Global Services at ogs@nyu.edu. For inquiries on Chinese visas and China immigration support, please contact NYU Shanghai’s Student Mobility team at shanghai.student-mobility@nyu.edu.

Technology Services Support

IT Computer

Pudong: iMac Lab Room 503*, Windows Lab Room 526*

Shinmay: iMac Lab (Opens on 1/24/2021)

Public Pudong Library*
Dorms Pusan Dorms

* On Specified Computers

IT Resources
VPN NYU VPN Getting Started
Printing NYU Multifunction Printing
Software NYU Software Library
VCL NYU Virtual Computer Lab
Equipment Loan NYU Loan Procedure
Others NYU Technology Services
IT Support
Email shanghai.it.help@nyu.edu
Hotline  +86 (21) 2059 5555
IT Walk-in Support Pudong: Room 427
Office Hours 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Monday to Friday