
The best way to understand the world you live in is arguably to understand the economics that drive it. The world is constantly and increasingly confronted with public policy issues that are essentially economic in character. Economic analysis provides a coherent and logical ordered framework for examining these issues and understanding the tradeoffs involved in attempting to solve social and business problems. Visit the Economic department's website

Requirements for the Major

Students can choose to follow the academic bulletin from the year that they were admitted or a more recent academic bulletin. For example, if you were admitted to NYU Shanghai in Fall 2019, you can choose to follow the academic bulletin 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022.

Planning the Major

To declare the Economics major, students must have a final grade of C, or currently enrolled in ECON-SHU 3 Microeconomics.

Faculty Mentors

Faculty mentors are the leading faculty and experts in the major disciplines. Students can reach out to faculty mentors for specific questions about the major, and references for connecting with relevant discipline resources. If you have specific questions about specific fields of study within the major, you can search for faculty through the faculty directory.


Resources for Econ Majors
Economics Major Exploration

2024 Major Expo Session: Slides

2022 Major Expo Session: Recording

2021 Major Expo Session: Recording Slides

Economics Disciplinary Map

Economics Disciplinary Map will provide you with important information on NYUSH Econ major job/grad school outcome, Econ major structure, and elective fields. This map will also supply information on important Econ theories, milestones, and readings, and help you better understand Economics as a field and provide you with different opportunities if you choose to pursue Econ major/minor or curious to learn more.

Access the Economics Disciplinary Map (NYU login required)."

Pedagogical Principles of the Economics Curriculum

The economics curriculum at NYU Shanghai is designed to introduce students to these fundamental dynamics of human life and, in doing so, is grounded in three basic pedagogical principles:

• Undergraduate students must be exposed to the “big ideas” and pressing social issues of our world and given economic frameworks for thinking about them.
• Meaningful study of economics requires being able to think about problems from local, regional, and global perspectives. Understanding how individuals make decisions also requires incorporating insights from neuroscience and psychology.
• Effective economic analysis increasingly involves both conducting and effectively communicating the results from quantitative analyses of data using econometric methods.

Building on these principles, the Economics major is designed to foster rigorous analytical abilities both in neoclassical and behavioral economics, critical writing and communication skills, and the capacity to interpret and use statistical data—all in the service of developing sound economic reasoning and problem-solving skills. These transferable strengths are of value in a broad array of academic and professional paths, from economics, business, or law, to public service or graduate studies.

Senior Thesis / Capstone Requirement

In order to comply with accreditation requirements, NYU Shanghai requires all students to complete either a capstone requirement in the form of a senior thesis and/or a required capstone course in the primary major.

Students in the Economics major must complete the capstone requirement by taking ECON-SHU 400 Economics Capstone Research or ECON-SHU 453 Economics Honors Seminar. Both courses are offered in fall-spring sequences, with 2 credits each semester, and must be taken in person in Shanghai, meaning students must be in Shanghai during their senior year. It is mandatory for all students, regardless of whether Economics is their primary or secondary major.

Check out the Slides and Recording [NYU Login required] of the orientation to the Economics Capstone Program, led by Prof. Wendy Jin. She provides an overview of the capstone requirements, general guidelines, and useful tips for success. Students from all years are welcome and encouraged to review. 

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