
The business program at NYU Shanghai is designed to provide students with comprehensive preparation for the modern globalized business world. It builds upon the liberal education designed into the NYU Shanghai core curriculum. Before entering the major, students will have developed an essential set of skills in mathematics, critical thinking, and oral and written communication. They will also have acquired a familiarity with the general cultural and scientific contexts in which businesses operate.

Requirements for the Minor

BUSF-SHU 101 Statistics for Business and Economics4
BUSF-SHU 250 Principles of Financial Accounting4
ECON-SHU 3 Microeconomics4
ECON-SHU 251 Economics of Global Business (Students can take Principles of Macro and Intermediate Macro to substitute EGB)4

Choose One Elective Course (Please note that the business minor elective list below is complete, no courses outside of the list will be approved.)

BUSF-SHU 142 Information Technology in Business and Society
BUSF-SHU 202 Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 210 Business Analytics
BUSF-SHU 303 Corporate Finance
BUSF-SHU 351 Competitive Advantage from Operations
MGMT-SHU 301 Management and Organizations
MKTG-SHU 1 Introduction to Marketing

Total Credits (for Non-Econ majors): 20

Choose Two Courses (Economics majors must complete two of the additional courses listed below to complete the minor within the double counting limits)

BUSF-SHU 142 Information Technology in Business and Society
BUSF-SHU 202 Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 210 Business Analytics
BUSF-SHU 351 Competitive Advantage from Operations
MGMT-SHU 301 Management and Organizations
MKTG-SHU 1 Introduction to Marketing

Total Credits (for Econ majors): 28

Faculty Mentors

Faculty mentors are the leading faculty and experts in the major disciplines. Students can reach out to faculty mentors for specific questions about the major, and references for connecting with relevant discipline resources. If you have specific questions about specific fields of study within the major, you can search for faculty through the faculty directory.