Computer Systems Engineering

Engineering challenges of the 21st century are varied, complex, and cross-disciplinary. Ranging from the nano-scale to mega-projects, they are characterized by sustainability concerns, environmental and energy constraints, global sourcing, and humanitarian goals. In the face of global competition, dwindling natural resources and the complexity of societal needs, the leaders of technological enterprises will be those who can innovate, are inventive and entrepreneurial, and understand how technology is integrated within society. For co-curricular activities and research-related resources in computer systems engineering, please refer to the website of the Computer Science, Data Science, and Engineering department.

Requirements for the Major

Students can choose to follow the academic bulletin from the year that they were admitted or a more recent academic bulletin. For example, if you were admitted to NYU Shanghai in Fall 2019, you can choose to follow the academic bulletin 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022.

Planning the Major

To declare the Computer Systems Engineering major, students must have a final grade of C, or currently enrolled in the following courses in MATH-SHU 131 Calculus and CENG-SHU 201 Digital Logic (or EENG-SHU 251 Circuits).

Faculty Mentors

Faculty mentors are the leading faculty and experts in the major disciplines. Students can reach out to faculty mentors for specific questions about the major, and references for connecting with relevant discipline resources. If you have specific questions about specific fields of study within the major, you can search for faculty through the faculty directory.


Area Head of Engineering, Assistant Professor of Engineering, NYU Shanghai

Computer Systems Engineering FAQs
Why should I major in Computer Systems Engineering?

Computer Systems Engineering at NYU Shanghai is designed to create technological leaders with a global perspective, a broad education, and the capacity to think creatively. Students enjoy a learning environment conducive to creativity which is at the heart of tomorrow’s technological innovations and enterprises. Students not only gain a firm grounding across various science and engineering fields that underscore the technical component of an engineering education, but also draw upon courses across the curriculum to develop an understanding of cultural, political, economic, environmental, and public safety considerations. In their courses, Computer Systems Engineering students are involved in the design process and the progression of technological inventions from concept through product development and market introduction.

Research Opportunities

Deans' Undergraduate Research Fund (DURF)

CS, DS, and Engineering Research Night (2021 recordings & presentation slides; 2022 presentation slides)

Center for Data Science and Analytics

Independent Study

Does not satisfy the major elective requirement. Students majoring in computer science, data science, or engineering are permitted to work on an individual basis under the supervision of a full-time faculty member in the relevant discipline if they have maintained an overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of 3.5 in Computer Science/Data Science/Engineering and have a study proposal that is approved by a Computer Science/Data Science/Engineering professor.

Course Prerequisites

* = offered in Spring ’22 in Shanghai

To fulfill the Core Curriculum Science requirement, students must take: 1) PHYS-SHU 91 Foundations of Physics I Honors or PHYS-SHU 11 General Physics I; 2) PHYS-SHU 93 Foundations of Physics II Honors or PHYS-SHU 12 General Physics II ; and 3) PHYS-SHU 94 Physics II Lab.
REQUIRED MAJOR COURSES: All 11 courses below
MATH-SHU 151Multivariable Calculus*Pre-req: Calculus




Linear Algebra and Differential Equations OR

Linear AlgebraOR

Networks and Dynamics

Pre-req: Calculus

Pre-req: Calculus

Pre-reqs: Calculus and Linear Algebra

CSCI-SHU 2314Discrete Mathematics*Pre-req: Calculus and ICP



Probability and Statistics* OR

Honors Theory of Probability


Pre-req: Calculus

Pre-reqs: Honors Analysis 1 and Linear Algebra/Honors Linear Algebra 1

CSCI-SHU 101Introduction to Computer Science*Pre-req: ICP OR Placement test
CSCI-SHU 210Data Structures*Pre-req: ICS, or A- and above in ICP
CENG-SHU 202Computer Architecture*Pre-req: ICP OR ICS
EENG-SHU 251Circuits*Pre-req: Calculus or Honors Calculus
CENG-SHU 201Digital LogicPre-req: ICP OR ICS
CSCI-SHU 350 / EE-UY 3144 / EE-UY 4144Embedded Computer Systems*Pre-req: “ICP or ICS” AND “Digital Logic or Computer Architecture”
EENG-SHU 400Senior Capstone Design Project* 
Not every course listed is taught every semester, and in any given semester other courses may be offered that fulfill this requirement. Requirements may be met through equivalent courses in the Global Network with prior approval. If you find a class not on the list that you would like to count towards this requirement, please email your advisor.
CSCI-SHU 308Computer NetworkingPre-req: ICS
CSCI-SHU 213 / CS-UY 3083Databases*Pre-req: Data Structure
CSCI-SHU 215Operating SystemsPre-req: Data Structures; Computer Architecture or Computer Systems Organization
EENG-SHU 3193 / EE-UY 3193Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) Circuit Designtaught in Tandon in New York
CENG-SHU 302 / CS-UY 206Compilers 
CENG-SHU 303Parallel and Distributed Computing 
EE-UY 3114Electronicstaught in Tandon in New York
CENG-SHU 304 / CS-UY 3923Computer Security * 
CSCI-SHU 304 / CS-UY 3933Network Security 
CSCI-SHU 310 / CS-UY 3393UNIX System Programming 
EENG-SHU 375Robotic Systems 
INTM-SHU 244Bio-Inspired Robotic Systems 
Senior Thesis / Capstone Requirement

In order to comply with accreditation requirements, NYU Shanghai requires all students to complete either a capstone requirement in the form of a senior thesis and/or a required capstone course in the primary major. 

Students in the Computer Systems Engineering major must complete the capstone requirement by taking EENG-SHU 400 Senior Capstone Design Project I (4 credits). This course is only offered in the Fall and must be taken in person in Shanghai, meaning students must be in Shanghai during that semester(s). It is mandatory for all students, regardless of whether Computer Systems Engineering is their primary or secondary major.

1. What are the requirements of the capstone project?

At the end of the project, you must prepare a written technical report and a presentation. The final project report must be structured as a typical technical paper and will include four main sections:

  • Motivation, problem definition
  • Related literature and existing approaches
  • Proposed solution and details of implementation
  • Results, conclusion, and directions for improvement

2. What should students prepare in advance to get ready for the capstone?

  • Choose a research topic that NYU faculty have submitted or come up with a valuable topic of your own.
  • Contact a faculty supervisor whose area of expertise matches the field of your topic, and start preparing as early as possible.

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