AI Program Application Form

*Required fields are marked with an asterisk /*为必填项

Chinese applicants (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) are required to complete the form in Chinese, except for the “English Essay” section. Non-Chinese applicants should complete the form in English. / 中国籍申请人【包括中国大陆(内地)、香港、澳门和台湾居民】须使用中文填写表格(英文文书部分除外),非中国籍申请人则须使用英文填写。

Personal Information / 个人信息

Guardian Information / 监护人信息

Emergency Contact / 紧急联系人

Education Background / 教育经历

(PDF upload)
Maximum 5 files.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.


Artificial Intelligence is becoming an essential part of our lives, transforming the world around us. In no more than 300 words, share how you think AI might shape your future and why you're excited to learn more about it. What steps have you taken to prepare for the changes brought by AI?

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
Upload any supporting documents (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.). / 请上传任何可证明您英语能力的文件或证书。
Maximum 5 files.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.

Additional Supporting Materials /其它补充材料

Please briefly describe any programming languages you have learned or have experience with. While programming is not a requirement, familiarity with it is a plus. 请简要说明您掌握的编程语言或相关经验。编程技能不是入学必需条件,但具备相关经验会是一个加分项。 *
Please upload any materials showcasing your extracurricular activities, personal skills, or honors (e.g., awards, certificates, or proof of participation in activities). (Attachments must be in PDF format.) / 请上传能够展示您在其它课外活动、个人特长或所获荣誉方面的材料(如奖状、证书、活动参与证明等)。(请上传格式为PDF的附件)
Maximum 5 files.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.

Acknowledgment / 须知

I certify that all information submitted is accurate. / 本人声明所提交的所有信息均为真实无误。*