Academic Skills Coaching

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Academic Skills Coaching

In addition to Writing and Speaking Consultations, the ARC’s Writing & Speaking Fellows can help you sharpen your academic skills in a variety of areas, some of which are listed below. Drop in or schedule a one-on-one Academic Skills Coaching appointment with a Writing & Speaking Fellow on NYU Connect by clicking on the Appointment button above.

Why might you book an academic skills consultation?

  • You are struggling to take detailed enough notes in your classes
  • You frequently find yourself turning in your assignments at the last minute or late
  • You pull all-nighters to finish assignments
  • You don’t know how to prepare for your tests
  • You want to bring your grades up but aren’t sure where to begin
  • You don’t know how to talk to your professors
  • You find it difficult to keep up with or contribute to class discussions
  • You feel you are struggling with procrastination

Fellows can work with you on the following academic skills (and more):

  • Note-taking
  • Goal-setting
  • Exam preparation
  • Time management
  • Communication with professors
  • Class participation

Please refer to the Writing and Speaking Consultation Policies when making an Academic Skills Coaching appointment.

Unable to book an academic skills consultation or need a quick refresher on major topics? Click here to access a folder of academic skills coaching resources.