Learning Assistants Spring 2024

  • Hanyu Yao

    Natural Science

    PHYS-SHU 71: Foundations of Physics Lab I

    Hi everyone, my name is Hanyu Yao. You can also call me Alan. I am a rising junior majoring in Physics and minoring in Math. I am interested in astronomy, quantum computation, and math. I am excited to be your learning assistant of Physics Lab I. Please feel free to ask me for help if you have any question. I am looking forward to making your learning easier in the coming semester.

  • Dung (Addie) Nguyen

    Natural Science

    CHEM-SHU 125: Foundations of Chemistry I

    Hi! I am Addie (or you could call me Dzung or Jung or 孟勇), currently a rising sophomore from Vietnam. I intend to major in either Neural Science or Chemistry, with a minor in Social Science. I have been working as a tutor for the past five years, and it is my honor to assist everyone enrolled in the Foundations of Chemistry I course. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking Vietnamese and Thai dishes, binge-watching Thai lakorns and American criminal movies, and listening to K-pop songs. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any chemistry questions or are just craving some free Vietnamese food!

  • Lan (Ella) Zhang

    Natural Science

    BIOL-SHU 22: Foundations of Biology II

    Morning, afternoon or evening to all the natural science lovers! I’m Lan Zhang, the new LA for FoB 2, and a senior student majoring in biology. You can also call me Ella. I’m here to be your friend, let’s enjoy discovering the fun side of cells and molecules together while fighting towards our finals. I love drawing and trampoline as hobbies.

  • Chenfan (Chloe) Song

    Natural Science

    NEUR-SHU 130: Introduction to Linguistics: The Science of Human Language

    Hi! I'm Chloe, a sophomore majoring in Neural Science and intending to minor in Computer Science and/or Interactive Media Arts. I'm a big fan of sports with thirteen-year experience in badminton. I also love movies and art exhibitions. I applied for the LA position because I greatly benefited from my LAs in my freshman year. Meanwhile, I would like to learn something new from my tutee! If you have any academic questions, or you share similar interests with me, feel free to reach out ^_^

  • Boyun Zeng

    Natural Science

    PHYS-SHU 11: General Physics I

    Hi! I'm Boyun Zeng. I'm a sophomore and intend to major in Physics. This is my first time to be LA. I'm delighted to help you guys and improve myself as well.