Course Repeat

This page explains our course repeat policy, including how repeated courses will impact your GPA, how they appear on your transcript, the number of times a course can be repeated, and other considerations.

Repeat Policy

  • A student who has taken a course for credit or who has obtained a W in a course is permitted to repeat that course once.
  • Students may repeat no more than two courses during their undergraduate careers.
  • Students may not repeat a course more than once.
  • Students may not repeat courses in a designated sequence after taking more advanced courses.
  • Credits: When a student repeats a course, no additional credit will be awarded.
  • Grading: The two grades (from the first and second times) will be averaged in the before calculated in the cumulative grade point average.
  • For Chinese nationals students, the credits for a repeated course will be counted toward their extra 8-extra credits beyond 128 total credits.

Exceptions – Repeatable Courses for Credit
Some courses are designated as repeatable for credit. These courses do not fall under the standard repeat policy and may be taken multiple times for credit. Examples include certain music, performance-based courses, and independent study courses. Please check the class note on Albert or consult your academic advisor if you have any further questions.

Course Repeat FAQs
If I receive a grade of A, B, or C, can I repeat the course?

A student who has taken a course for credit or who has obtained a W in a course is permitted to repeat that course once. Students may repeat courses in which a grade of D+, D, D-, F, or a P is earned.

Can I take a course for a third time?

A third course attempt will require approval of the relevant Area Head and Dean. Please speak with your advisor first about your rationale for repeating the course.

Can I repeat a third course?

A third course repeat will require approval of the relevant Area Head and Dean. Please speak with your advisor first about your rationale for repeating a third course.

Information for Advisors [Log-in Required]