NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: Shikhar Sakhuja) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: Shikhar Sakhuja) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: Shikhar Sakhuja) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) NYU Shanghai students paired portrayals of university life with comedic flair at the annual Reality Show on September 9, at the Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. NYU President Andrew Hamilton delivered a welcome address. (Photo by: NYU Shanghai) Share: Facebook Twitter Weibo All Years202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 Apply Caring Spirit Mar 23 2016 Assistive Tech-scape Mar 19 2016 Winning Ventures Mar 18 2016 Badminton SetMar 17 2016 Frame of MindMar 11 2016 Cutting Edge Mar 9 2016 Cool CropsMar 9 2016 Poetry Potion Mar 2 2016 Xianju SavvyMar 2 2016 Veni, Vidi, Da Vinci Mar 2 2016 ReknownFeb 25 2016 A Bite of TangyuanFeb 23 2016 Volleyball Play-by-PlayFeb 22 2016 New Horizons Feb 22 2016 Gene Expression Feb 18 2016 Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page … 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … Next › Next page Last » Last page