One of the most crucial things to getting the most out of your experience at NYU Shanghai is your attitude. Your attitude and how you look at things will determine how you will develop not just as a scholar, but as a friend, and a leader. -- Ho Bin Kim, Class of 2019 Every freshman will live with one or two foreign roommates during the first year. It is a good chance for you to know another culture and cultivate your ability to solve problems when coming across cultural differences. -- Lyndsy Qu, Class of 2019 Your best friend is Alipay. Set up your phone number, your bank account, and then Alipay (in this order) to enjoy the power of never having to carry cash ever again and buying things on Taobao. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility! -- Millicent Wong, Class of 2019 College is hard, especially when you have an on-campus job or an internship, are taking part in school events, and want to have your own life. Many freshmen struggle with getting to class on time, handing in their assignment before the deadline, or just finding free time to hangout with friends, so it’s really important to learn to manage your time. Google Calendar is your secret weapon to staying organized. -- Jesse Xu, Class of 2019 Although you may be nervous or anxious, you've already taken a big step by coming to NYU Shanghai, a school that may be in a completely new country and/or new environment. Now you are here, continue to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. It will be worth it. -- Sabrina Ku, Class of 2019 Get involved in an organization/club at NYU Shanghai. Each organization/club has its own special features for you to discover. If you can join one or two organizations/clubs and, more importantly, stick to it, you will definitely receive invaluable friendships that are bonded by the shared interests and spirit. Additionally, it is also a good start to interact with the whole NYU Shanghai community and contribute to it. -- Azure Lan, Class of 2019 Be sure to check your emails for the various NYU Shanghai department newsletters, from Student Government, Academic Affairs, Office of Student Life, and others. They contain a good deal of important information covering events taking place on-campus, details of interesting art, exhibitions and festivals taking place in Shanghai and even internship opportunities. -- Richard Kwabena Awuku-Aboagy, Class of 2018 Use city listing sites such as to explore Shanghai. This English language website is widely used by the foreign community in Shanghai and provides information about upcoming events like art exhibitions, musicals, etc. It also functions like a bulletin board system, which people use to sell their stuff before they leave China. Through this website, you can have a general idea of what is new and fun in Shanghai, get a good deal of what you need, and, maybe get involved in a larger community outside NYU Shanghai! -- Azure Lan, Class of 2019 Put your health first. It is also important to get enough sleep. For those of you who leave your homework until right before the deadline, try to adjust your strategy to finish it earlier.” -- Andy Fang, Class of 2019 Meile Dim Sum (美乐点心) near Babaiban (八佰伴) has pretty decent Cantonese dim sum and they are not expensive. I go eat there when I’m homesick. -- Claire Song, Class of 2018 Shanghai and NYU Shanghai are places with multitudes of opportunities. I want to encourage you to seize them. But I also want to encourage you to remain true to your values and your temperament. Beware of comparing your schedule and activities with that of your peers. Get involved in clubs and social life if you would like, but know that it is okay not to. Don’t pressure yourself by false beliefs of external expectations. Allow yourself to be true to what you need and where you are now. Enjoy life! -- Andreas Strandgaard, Class of 2019 Always carry your NYU Shanghai Student ID Booklet and/or Student ID Card with you when visiting tourist sites in order to obtain student discounts. Generally, the ID Booklet is the most widely recognised form of student identification. -- Richard Kwabena Awuku-Aboagye, Class of 2018 One of the keys to a rewarding experience at NYU Shanghai is to embrace its diversity. Your classmates, professors and staff can all give you great inspiration. NYU Shanghai has been growing in an amazing way for the past three years because the uniqueness of each student’s contribution. Don’t confine yourself to just one academic field or hanging out with only one group of people. This is a small school, but there is always more to discover. -- Jack Zhu, Class of 2018 Volunteering for events in the city, from career workshops to festivals, is a great way to meet people outside the NYU Shanghai community and gain valuable work and networking experience. -- Richard Kwabena Awuku-Aboagye, Class of 2018 多参加上海的各类活动,不管是职业工作坊还是节庆活动,这些都是很好的机会,可以让你结识学校之外的人,也能获得宝贵的工作与社交经验。-- Richard Kwabena Awuku-Aboagye, 2018届 If you really want to do something, make it happen! Dreams can be realized and nothing is impossible at NYU Shanghai - we made Hack Shanghai and Fusion Music Festival happen right here! -- Claire Song, Class of 2018 It’s super cheap, convenient, and it’s the most fun you’ve ever had getting lost while exploring Shanghai. A short ride can cost you as little as 1 yuan, leaving the rest of your money to spend at that new restaurant or cafe you and your friends just biked too. — Lyndsy Qu ‘19 The less time you spend worrying about what other people think, the more you can focus on what you think. Everyone is too busy living their own lives to worry about whether or not you should wear those shoes. Wear them! Do what you want! Aim to bring positive value into your own and others' lives. If you aren't hurting someone else, then it's all good. Do the things you always wanted to do. You might feel embarrassed, but you still did it, right? Who knows, you might unconsciously give others permission to let their own selves shine too. Stay humble, give and love. -- Kevin Pham, Class of 2017 “Keep a daily routine; test your technologies in advance. Turn your phone off or put in airplane mode during class. Eliminate distractions by using headphones.” -NYU Shanghai Academic Affairs Share: Facebook Twitter Weibo All Years202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 Apply NYU Shanghai Brings Home Trophies from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Sports Tournament May 9 2019 GoGreen Week 2019Apr 30 2019 Ainu Performers Share Dance, Music, and CultureApr 18 2019 Students Bring Hometown Color, Flavor, and Sound to the Cultural ExpoMar 1 2019 NYU Shanghai in Pictures 2018Dec 28 2018 Art in Translation: NYU Shanghai Students in Dance, Photography and Art Showcase Their Talents Dec 12 2018 U.S. Ambassador Branstad Visits NYU ShanghaiDec 7 2018 Third TEDxNYUShanghai Brings Together PioneersNov 28 2018 Bubble Wrap As Couture: Green Shanghai Hosts Trash Fashion Show Nov 15 2018 Finding Shanghai - Yuyuan Road Nov 8 2018 Halloween 2018: Carnival of Terror and See You In DarknessNov 2 2018 Deans’ Service Corps Serve in HIV/AIDS-Impacted Village in Henan ProvinceOct 11 2018 U.S. Dance Troupe Teaches Master Class at NYU ShanghaiSep 27 2018 NYU Shanghai Reality ShowSep 17 2018 The Amazing RaceSep 4 2018 Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Next › Next page Last » Last page