NYU Shanghai Hosts Frontiers in Computational Chemistry International Workshop

Jun 12 2014

NYU Shanghai hosted the Frontiers in Computational Chemistry International Workshop on May 24th and 25th, 2014.  Sponsored by NYU-ECNU Center for Computational Chemistry at NYU Shanghai, the workshop aimed to provide an advanced platform to help promote international exchange and collaboration, train for young researchers and graduate students, and advance the overall quality of computational chemistry research.

This workshop primarily focused on quantum chemistry methods and their applications, biomolecular properties, statistical mechanics, and molecular dynamics, among other topics of inquiry.  The workshop also strived to cultivate and promote novel research ideas and new methodologies along with their innovative applications through mutual interaction and exchange among computational chemists whose work are in the forefront of their fields. Scholars featured in the workshop were Zlatko Bačić, Mark Tuckerman and Yingkai Zhang of New York University, Kenneth Merz of Michigan State University, Yundong Wu of Peking University, Zhigang Shuai of Tsinghua University, Pengyu Ren of the University of Texas at Austin, and Yijing Yan of University of Science and Technology of China.

Computational chemistry is highly interdisciplinary in nature and its research area broadly spans physics, chemistry, biology, and material sciences. Along with the rapid advances in computer technology and theoretical algorithms, computational chemistry has already been widely applied and provided important microscopic insights into many complex systems.  At present, computational chemistry is used in experiment research studies to provide both qualitative and even quantitative predictions, and has tremendous potential for future development and application in many areas of science.

The workshop provided an excellent venue for speakers and attendees to exchange and discuss their research in Computational Chemistry. Over 140 students and scholars from universities in China and abroad were in attendance.

About the Center

Advances in modern computational methodologies and high-performance computing have vastly expanded the ability of computational chemists to model chemical, material and biological systems, to predict their structures, functions and various properties, and to design new molecular systems with desired properties.  The mission of NYU-ECNU Center for Computational Chemistry at NYU Shanghai (the Center) is to provide a unique platform for world-class research, for training of students and young scientists, and for international collaboration in the broadly defined areas of computational chemistry.  The Center has a core group of outstanding faculty members from New York University, East China Normal University and NYU Shanghai who are conducting frontier research in various fields of computational chemistry, biology and material sciences.  The Center carries out a variety of academic activities including seminar series featuring international and domestic speakers who are leading scientists in frontier research, organizes symposiums and workshops, and hosts a visiting scientist program to promote international scientific exchange and collaboration.  The unique synergy of the Center in international scientific exchange and collaboration, especially between US and Chinese scientists, provides a strong foundation for researchers to carry out truly challenging and innovative research, and helps it to become a premier international center for computational research in chemistry and related fields.

Further Information:

Visit the Workshop Website

Visit NYU-ECNU Center for Computational Chemistry at NYU Shanghai