A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Jane Xu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) A delegation from the United Nations visited NYU Shanghai on July 18, 2015. (Photo by Fred Wu) Share: Facebook Twitter Weibo All Years202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 Apply Welcome, Class of 2024!Sep 8 2020 ">Sep 8 2020 Behind the Shadows and SymmetryJun 30 2020 ">Jun 30 2020 Class of 2021 Master’s ConvocationMay 20 2020 ">May 20 2020 Photo Gallery: Back to School and Preparing for CommencementMay 7 2020 ">May 7 2020 End of Semester Show 2019Dec 13 2019 ">Dec 13 2019 Yangjing Neighborhood TourNov 20 2019 ">Nov 20 2019 Carnival of TerrorsNov 3 2019 ">Nov 3 2019 Ally Week 2019Nov 2 2019 ">Nov 2 2019 Scenes, Songs, and a Dose of RealitySep 12 2019 ">Sep 12 2019 Orientation Week 2019Sep 4 2019 ">Sep 4 2019 The Class of 2023 Moves In!Aug 25 2019 ">Aug 25 2019 Commencement 2019 in PhotosMay 30 2019 ">May 30 2019 88 Days to GraduationMay 28 2019 ">May 28 2019 Heroes Brave the Stage: Snapshots of Our Spring Dance ConcertMay 21 2019 ">May 21 2019 End of Semester Art Exhibition: From Dunhuang to Chinese GardensMay 17 2019 ">May 17 2019 Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page 1 2 3 Next › Next page Last » Last page