May 19, 2015 - "It's the informal interactions with students that I love. Whether walking down Century Avenue discussing John Sexton and Rick Hills' courses on American law, or being entranced by explanations of impossibly complicated and astonishing creations during the End-of-Semester IMA Show, or students dropping by my office to catch up, I am always delighted and impressed with their energy, openness, and smarts!" - Lucia Pierce, Director of External and Academic Events (by Dylan J Crow) May 14, 2015 - “I am not a competitive person, but the students I teach are under a lot of pressure. I just want to help them be themselves. It's hard but important.” - Marianne Petit, Director of Interactive Media Arts (by Jane Xu) May 4, 2015 - "It takes a lot to make a New Yorker feel like a country mouse, but this town does it...Shanghai is a huge industrial, post-industrial city, but just the principles on which life here is ordered, a lot of which about China and not just about Shanghai; I think the biggest thing for me is that this speed of development gives the fabric of the city a different feel." - Clay Shirky, Associate Prof. of Interactive Media Arts (by Kadallah Burrowes) April 28, 2015 - "Do the unpredictable and uncertain things because you don't know how things will go. College is a great time. It's not going to be this easy to study random stuff or travel somewhere. Now I have a job, and I can't travel all the time. It sucks. There is always the fear that you won't get a job, or you won't have anything tangible to show or say. But there is a chance that you make a discovery someone unexpected, and it may change your whole life around. There is always a reason you are interested in certain things. Maybe five or 10 years later, those things cross in some interesting ways." – Andrea Jones-Rooy, Asst. Prof. of Global China Studies (by Sunyi Wang) April 23, 2015 – “A lot of us wanted to have a fun way to exercise, but we’re too unmotivated to go to the gym. I was like, ‘Zumba is a fun way to dance and exercise and sweat, and the music is fun, and an hour goes by really fast.’ It was nice the first couple of times to see everyone; I think it’s one of the biggest dance classes we’ve had so far, and it’s just been really fun to come every Wednesday and dance with friends.” - Leidy Tatiana Tapasco, Freshman, Colombia (by Annie Seaman) December 19, 2014 - “Since I am 23, all of my friends already graduated when I went to college. I served in the army of Israel for three years. I never imagined that I would study in China. During the admitted students weekend, I realized that I need to challenge myself—this is the smartest choice I have ever made in my entire life. Now I have friends from all over the world. I grew up in Honduras, but I go to an American university in China, which is the most unbelievable thing.” - Omer Cohen, Freshman, Israel (by Sunyi Wang) February 13, 2015 - "Being in a place where people are different from you gives you an opportunity to listen to yourself. I grew up in Istanbul, which is one of the most hacked cities in the world. I never thought Istanbul would be a “small” city in my head. Exploring Shanghai puts you in a position where you are really different from the rest of the people around you…I need to learn how people speak, not just in terms of language, but everything in daily life. Speaking the language is important, both literally and metaphorically." - Defne İnhan, Freshman, Turkey (by Sunyi Wang) December 19, 2014 - “I think our school is special because each student has a totally different background and story. I can learn from those around me everyday. But while we are diverse, we actually do not differ as human beings. For example, even though my roommate has never been immersed in my culture, he can still understand me. We can communicate freely. I feel like while I am here in Shanghai experiencing a different culture, I am truly trying my best to live my life differently.” - Wes Livingstone, Freshman (by Sunyi Wang) December 19, 2014 - “Since college began, I have been devoting myself to trying new things. I don’t want to just choose a normal path and be an ordinary person. I want to try something different. I like the feeling of exploration. Everyday when I wake up, I feel like I have the passion to do anything that I want; when I go to bed, I can say that I have no regrets for the day." - Weilun Zhang, Freshman, China Share: Facebook Twitter Weibo All Years202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 Apply Tree Planting, March 13, 2014Mar 13 2014 Career Fashion Show, March 12, 2014Mar 12 2012 Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page … 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25