SH*MASH Performance

So many students, staff, and faculty attended Thursday night’s SH*MASH performances on August 21, 2014 that people had to sit on the stairway aisles. Many more stood at the back of the auditorium. Thirty groups of students from the Class of 2018 had spent the week preparing for the first annual performance series. Sophomore Orientation Ambassadors led their groups of 10 freshmen in selecting both a Chinese and an English song to mash together and then choreographed dances to go along. Sophomore José Antonio Cabrera Sanchez stated, “I really enjoyed their performances—it was fantastic seeing how in a very short period of time, they put together great mini-acts to share with the rest of the community.”

Photo by Kylee M. Borger

SH*MASH in the gallery



Report and photo by Kylee M. Borger