Organization of American States Scholarships

All disciplines except medical sciences and the learning of new languages Details: Organization of American States Scholarships are awarded for full-time studies at any university in an OAS Member State. OAS Scholarship Recipients should return and remain in the sponsoring country for a period of no less than twenty four months after completing the program of study.

Eligibility: A citizen or permanent resident of an English speaking Caribbean Member States or Suriname (see OAS Member States here); Have completed the first two years of the Undergraduate degree, or have an Associate’s degree; Have a GPA above the minimum standard required by the university

Application: Apply online. Curriculum vitae and three recommendation letters are required: Preferably two different letters from current or former professors using the OAS Recommendation Statement Form (see here), and one from a current or previous employer using the Employer Recommendation Form (see here)

Deadline: next year's cycle is not yet open; the 2023-2024 cycle deadline was 1 April 2023.

Usual Application Period
Saturday, April 1, 2023