Xinying Cai

Xinying Cai
Graduate Coordinator of Neuroscience, Associate Professor of Neural and Cognitive Sciences, NYU Shanghai; Global Network Associate Professor, Center for Neural Science, Faculty of Arts and Science, NYU

Xinying Cai is a Graduate Coordinator of Neuroscience and an Associate Professor of Neural and Cognitive Sciences at NYU Shanghai. He is also a Global Network Associate Professor at the Center for Neural Science at NYU. Additionally, he is a core faculty member at the NYU-ECNU Institute of Brain and Cognitive Science at NYU Shanghai. He is a member of the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Decision Making (IISDM). He holds a PhD from Arizona State University and a BS from Zhejiang University. Professor Cai’s current research focuses on elucidating the neural underpinnings of economic decision making (Neuroeconomics). His work has appeared in leading scientific journals such as Science, Nature Neuroscience, Neuron and Journal of Neuroscience.​ Cai was the recipient of the Excellence in Neural Engineering Award at the Second Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Neural Engineering.


Select Publications

  • Yim, M., Cai, X.* and Wang, X.* (2019) “Transforming choice outcome to action plan in monkey lateral prefrontal cortex: a neural circuit model.” Neuron 103: 1-13. *co-corresponding author
  • Cai, X.* and C. Padoa-Schioppa (2019). "Neuronal evidence for good-based economic decisions under variable action costs." Nature Communications 10(1): 393. *, corresponding author
  • Cai, X. and C. Padoa-Schioppa (2014). "Contributions of orbitofrontal and lateral prefrontal cortices to economic choice and the good-to-action transformation." Neuron 81(5): 1140-1151
  • Cai, X. and C. Padoa-Schioppa (2012). "Neuronal encoding of subjective value in dorsal and ventral anterior cingulate cortex." Journal of Neuroscience 32(11): 3791-3808
  • Cai, X., S. Kim and D. Lee (2011). "Heterogeneous coding of temporally discounted values in the dorsal and ventral striatum during intertemporal choice." Neuron 69(1): 170-182



  • PhD, Bioengineering
    Arizona State University
Research Interests
  • Neural Mechanisms of Economic Decision-making
  • Neuropsychiatry of the Prefrontal Basal Ganglia Pathways


Courses Taught
  • Introduction to Neural Science
  • Neurobiology of Decision Making
  • Special topics: Neurobiology of Decision Making
  • Special Topics in Neural Science