Edad Mercier

Edad Mercier
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow for Global Perspectives on Society (GPS), NYU Shanghai

Edad Mercier is a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow for Global Perspectives on Society (GPS) at NYU Shanghai. She received her PhD in World History from St. John's University in 2023. Her main research focus is on comparative legal systems, anticolonial histories and literatures, labor histories, and ethical philosophies in the law. She is also interested in participatory action research methods (PAR) in the humanities, and has facilitated workshops on using PAR in global contexts, such as Tanzania and Haiti. Her work has been published in the Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies and the Journal Of Anthropological And Archaeological Sciences. She is also on the editorial board of the Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences.

Select Publications

  • Mercier, Edad. (2021). “Colonialism, Collective Memory, and Memory Politics: Critical Reflections on Narratives and Public Archives of the Algerian War.” Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, 2(4), 89-104. doi.org/10.47631/mejress.v2i4.350.

  • Mercier, Edad. (2020). “Urban Poverty, Discrimination, and Fragmented Landscapes: Recasting ‘Le Grand Paris’ Urban Renewal Proposal for Territorial Integration.” Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud, 6(1): 555678. doi: 10.19080/ASM.2020.06.555678.


  • PhD, World History
    St. John's University 

Research Interests

  • Legal History
  • Sociocultural Anthropology and Ethnography
  • Museum and Diaspora Studies
  • Epistemology