Dongqin Wang

Dongqin Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow of Social Science, NYU Shanghai

Dongqin Wang is a Postdoctoral Fellow of Social Science at NYU Shanghai. She received her PhD from Osaka University. Her research fields are Development Economics and Health Economics, with a focus on understanding the determinants of human capital and productivity, as well as their responses to policy interventions. Additionally, she is also interested in the drivers of effective public service delivery in developing countries.

Select Publications

  • “Sanitation and Work Time: Evidence from the Toilet Revolution in rural China.” (with Yanni Shen) World Development, 2022, 158, 105992.
  • “How does Religion Affect Health in the Gold Mining Industry? Evidence from Nigeria.” Review of Development Economics, 2022, 16, 2218-2250.
  • “Public Wash Programs, Long-Run Child Development, and Intergenerational Mobility: New Evidence from Rural People’s Republic of China.”(with Eddy Zou) ADBI working paper, 1396


  • PhD, International Public Policy
    Osaka University, Japan, 2019-2022
  • MA, International Public Policy
    Osaka University, Japan, 2017-2019
  • BA, Journalism
    Sanda University, China, 2008-2012  

Research Interests

  • Development Economics
  • Health Economics
  • Applied Microeconomics