W. Edwards Deming Professor of Quality and Productivity
NYU Stern School of Business
Email: zemel@stern.nyu.edu
Professor Zemel joined the faculty of the Stern School in 1998 and has served in a succession of leadership positions in the school including as Founding Chair of the IOMS Department (Information, Operations and Management Sciences) and as Vice Dean in charge of the MBA Program, the Langone Part Time MBA Program, the Executive MBA Program, the TRIUM Global Executive Program and the newly Launched Global Masters Program in Business Analytics, among others. Prior to joining Stern, Professor Zemel served as the Harold L. Stuart Professor of Operations Research at the J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University where he also served as a founding Director of the Master of Management in Manufacturing Program and as Chair of the Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences (MEDS) Department.
Research interests: operations strategy, supply chain management, service operations, incentives issues in operations management.