Tips for Incoming Freshmen

Are you ready, Class of 2022? This year’s orientation ambassadors have some tips to help you settle in and make the most of your first weeks at NYU Shanghai.

Be open-minded.

“In this school, you'll experience big changes about what you think and believe in. There is so much diversity that you'll learn to see different points of view. Be prepared to have your views challenged!”

Mary Fernandez ‘21



Actually read those summer emails.

“Be mindful of the emails during the summer before freshman year! The newsletters and emails from your orientation ambassador and NYU Shanghai administration will help you while completing visa requirements, travel plans, dorm preparations, etc. I know it's intimidating coming to school in a country you may never have been to, where you might not even speak the language. Trust NYU Shanghai, because we will always keep you up-to-date and help you during this stressful transitional period.”

Alyanna Felix ‘21


Embrace new friendships.

“The students at NYU Shanghai come from all over the world. You may be inclined to stick with people that share similar backgrounds with you, but try to get to know and make friends with different kinds of people. You will realize you gain much more and broaden your perspective.”

Xingjian Xie (Kevin) ‘21


Get to know your neighborhood.

“Get to know the streets behind the Jinqiao dorms early on! It's your one stop shop for cheap and delicious food, groceries and daily necessities! You can't (and shouldn't try) to pack your whole room in your suitcase, so for people on a budget (which I assume is most of us) the Miniso store is a godsend for cute, quality and cheaply priced dorm room things!”

Lizbeth Pantoja ‘19



Make scheduling a habit.

“Finding a balance between what you need to do, what you want to do, and getting enough sleep is crucial. Every night or morning, I make a list of ‘MUST-DO’ items (only about 2-4 items), a list of ‘TO-DO’ items (things I would like to work on in my “free time”) and then I schedule them. Whether it is to brush and floss my teeth and wash my face before I go to bed, or try to read an article over lunch or on the bus, I schedule it in. Creating this balance and these habits took timeI didn’t get nearly everything done every day for a long timeso be patient and take things one step at a time.”

Patrick Newland ‘21



Be confident. Be comfortable. Be yourself.

“NYU Shanghai is open and tolerant to students from a vast number of cultures and backgrounds. Be brave and willing to present who you are.”

Jianghao Hu (Sam) ‘19


Fearlessly explore.

“Explore both in academics, by taking classes that might not completely relate to your intended major, and around the city, China, and Asia if you have the possibility. There is a lot to learn from classes which belong to different fields from your own and from the Chinese or Asian culture."

Natascia Leonardi '21


Be patient with yourself.

“Give yourself time and be patient with yourself during this difficult adjustment time period. Attending college at such a unique university might seem intimidating at first but the environment at NYU Shanghai is so welcoming you will soon come to call this place home!”

Nia Thomas '21


Others are ready to help you.

“Ask others for help! Making the adjustment to a new country and/or way of life can seem intimidating, but everyone at NYU Shanghai strives to make your experience the best it can be. Reach out when you need help, whether it be with academics or even ordering from 饿了么. Someone will always help and it's a great way to make new friends too!”

Taylah Bland ‘21



Don’t limit yourself.

“Take advantage of the clubs, organizations, and the entire city of Shanghai to explore and develop your hobbies. You never know how these experiences and skills might shape your intended major/minor!”

Katie Pellegrino ‘19


Be active.

“Try everything you are interested in, and make full use of the resources that this university provides you with.”

Kehl Lee ‘21


Connect with your class.

“I definitely encourage you to follow the NYU Shanghai Facebook group and see your future classmates. You are not alone in this journey :)”

Alyanna Sophia Felix ‘21


Enjoy every moment.

“Enjoy every moment of your life here at NYU Shanghai, whether it is about being engaged in on-campus activities, having active in-class discussions and debates, or even having lunch with your friends! Although it can be a little bit overwhelming in the beginning, you will definitely get used to it and find it rewarding.”

Simin Zou (Susan) ‘21



Some extra help: