China / Asia

China / Asia

Global Korea Scholarships

Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher education institutions in Korea, both undergraduate and graduate level. The scholarship aims to enhance international education exchange and strengthen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.

Blakemore Foundation (US)

The Blakemore Foundation was founded in 1990 by Tom and Frances Blakemore for the purpose of providing fellowships for the advanced study of Asian languages and grants to facilitate the introduction of Asian art to communities in the United States. Together with The Freeman Foundation, it has awarded over $20 million in fellowships to support an academic year of intensive study of an Asian language at an advanced level through the Blakemore Freeman Fellowship.

Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP) - Bai Xian Asia Institute

The Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP) awards up to 100 scholarships each year to high-caliber students from Asia to study away from their home country or region at leading East Asian universities. In its mission to create intercultural opportunities for the next generation of leaders, the AFLSP partners with six universities in five key cities in East Asia, and supports scholars in their undergraduate or master’s degree studies, or participation in exchange programs (program offerings vary by university).

Ambassador Year in China

Ambright Education Group's Ambassador Year in China program (AYC) is a program that helps college graduates expand their horizons and enhance their careers by spending one academic year teaching, studying, and making a difference in placement sites across China. Some participants treat it as a way to launch a career abroad or as a language teacher; others think of it more as a gap year.


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