
NYU Shanghai IT offers a wide variety of software to support research, teaching, and class projects at the computer labs, the residence halls, and the Virtual Computer Lab.

Software list

NameEligibilityPlatformMore Information
Microsoft OfficeFaculty, Staff and StudentWindows/MacOffice 365/ VCL
MATLABFaculty, Staff and StudentWindows/Mac/LinuxNYU Matlab/ VCL
MathematicaFaculty, Staff and StudentWindows/Mac/LinuxRequest Form/ VCL
IBM SPSSFaculty and StudentWindows/MacEmail IT/ VCL
StataFaculty and StudentWindows/MacEmail IT/ VCL
ArcGisFaculty, Staff and StudentWindowsRequest Form/ VCL
SASFaculty and StaffWindowsPurchase/ Global VCL
AutoDesk SoftwareFaculty and StudentWindows/MacFree Download/ VCL(AutoCAD Only)
RhinoFacultyMacEmail IT
Adobe Creative Cloud SuiteFaculty and StaffWindows/MacSelf-Service / VCL
Final Cut ProFaculty and StaffMacEmail IT
MotionFaculty and StaffMacEmail IT
CompressorFaculty and StaffMacEmail IT
Logic ProFaculty and StaffMacEmail IT
OBS StudioStudents, Faculty and StaffWindows/MacFree Download
Parallels DesktopFaculty and StaffMacEmail IT
VMware FusionFaculty and StaffMacEmail IT
AkindiFacultyWeb AppSign-Up
Microsoft Office VisioFaculty, StaffStreamed AppVCL
Microsoft Office ProjectFaculty, StaffStreamed AppVCL
JMP ProStudents, Faculty and StaffStreamed AppGlobal VCL
Atlas.tiStudents, Faculty and StaffStreamed AppGlobal VCL
MinitabStudents, Faculty and StaffStreamed AppGlobal VCL
Cycling '74 MaxFacultyMacEmail IT
SibeliusFaculty and StaffStreamed AppGlobal VCL
Spartan StudentFaculty and StaffStreamed AppGlobal VCL
PSpice StudentFaculty and StaffStreamed AppGlobal VCL

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