What's it Like to be an NYU Shanghai Student Worker?

Seventeen student workers have been awarded by NYU Shanghai Center for Career Development (CCD), as Outstanding Student Workers of 2023. They were nominated by eight departments, including Public Safety, Office of the Registrar, Student Health Center, CCD, Library, University Communications, Office of Student Life, and IT.

This award aims to recognize student workers who have demonstrated a genuine commitment to serving the NYU Shanghai community in terms of initiative, professionalism, responsibility, teamwork, leadership, and adaptability.

More than ten NYU Shanghai departments will open on-campus job positions to all NYU Shanghai students every fall semester. As the new semester begins, students can learn about positions and submit their resumes through Handshake. 

What is it like to be a student worker at NYU Shanghai? Four of our awardees share their experiences.


Li Peirong ’24
From: China
Worked for: University Communications (UC) Events Team

What was your job at UC like last semester?

My job included editing the weekly events newsletter and assisting in promoting events, like making posters, designing brochures, and taking photos. On-campus jobs can bridge the gap between campus life and the workplace. I gained more knowledge about the school departments, got to know more people, and improved my communication skills. At UC, I could always get first-hand information about what was going on on campus, from which I also got inspired for my work in the Student Government.

How did you get along with the team?

My supervisors treated me not just like a coworker but like a friend - buying me milk teas, treating me to dinners, offering a helping hand whenever I was in need of academic or life advice. Now as I am applying for graduate schools in D.C., my UC supervisor Shelley, who has graduated from Georgetown University in D.C., shared with me a lot of what life is like in D.C., which was quite helpful.

What was a memorable moment at work? 

That would be the school’s 10th Anniversary Celebration. During the opening and closing concerts, I stood at the entrance, handing out the program booklet. Seeing each familiar face at the entrance felt like holding a home party. After the concert, we joined Chancellor Tong, Jeff, and Joanna at the entrance, taking selfies with them. I felt so much a part of this community, or rather, this family.

What other student worker jobs did you have?

Besides UC, I’ve also worked in CCD (Center for Career Development), Residential Education and Housing, and Office of Admission. No matter which department I was working for, I could definitely feel the kindness of colleagues and experience the people-oriented culture in NYU Shanghai.


Peirong at UC
Left: Peirong handing out programs at an event. 
Center: With members of UC’s events team. 
Right: Taking photographs for work at The Bund.


Rahma Ali ’24
From: Sudan
Worked for: Library Marketing Team

What was special about working with the Library marketing team?

My favorite part was getting to know my supervisor Vickie Chen. She made my work fun. When she found out that I was into psychology and that I like design, she advised me to make ‘words of affirmation’ posters and cards. Following her advice, I hand made 50 cards and placed them on library tables during finals week. Seeing classmates posting them on social media made me feel that my job was so rewarding, and it also inspired my own creativity. This on-campus job got me into marketing, and inspired me to find a marketing-related internship opportunity in a company off campus.


student worker work
During final exams, Rahma’s affirmation posters could be seen posted all over the campus hallways and next to elevators.


Chen Chen ’26
From: China
Worked for: Student Affairs 

What were your main responsibilities?

I worked at the front desk, serving three teams in Student Affairs, Student Mobility, Residential Life and New Student Programs, to answer questions and direct students to get support from staff if necessary. Working hours were scheduled based on my free time. As a first-year student, I had classes from Monday to Friday. On-campus jobs gave me flexibility to enrich my working experience without worrying about taking up too much school time. 

Did this experience help your personal development?

I’m not an extrovert, but by communicating with different people I became more outgoing and confident. During a campus tour I was entrusted to guide, I was surprised to see the changes in myself.  

How did you feel about your colleagues?

I love my colleagues, and they are more like friends to me. We have a lot to share, and I don’t even feel any age gap between us. My English name is Tom and what is so funny is that there is a colleague trying to come up with a new nickname for me every day, from Tommy, Thomas, to Tamaris, Terrance…(laugh)  We had a lot of fun and when the contract ended, it was difficult for me to leave. I am especially grateful to my supervisor Kate, who is always patient with me, explaining difficult approaches with tables and mind maps. I’m also surprised that she even remembered my birthday and sent me a gift. I was so deeply touched! 

What student worker position are you applying for next?

This semester I’m going to apply for an RA (Residence Assistant) position. Being an RA is very challenging, as I will have to deal with emergencies, but I believe it will develop my problem-solving skills. In addition, I can also organize events to enrich my fellow classmates’ lives. It will definitely be rewarding.


chen chen

Student Affairs team threw a farewell party for Chen Chen (second from the right in green T-shirt) and other student workers.


Adriana Gimenez Romera ’26
From: Spain
Worked for: Center for Career Development (CCD)

Why did you choose to work for the CCD?

I knew the CCD would be a place where I would spend a lot of time even before I came to NYU Shanghai, as I am interested in personal development and hope to become an entrepreneur. So once I entered university, I joined CCD, and now it’s the third semester that I’ve been working here. 

What were your responsibilities?

First I worked at the reception, and I assisted in finding and posting internship opportunities. As I got more familiar with the job, I was able to engage in some projects including workshops and the I AM LIMITLESS Conference. This semester I will be the head of Lab Genius, the helpers in Career Lab. It’s really nice to see my ideas put into practice.

How do you feel about your colleagues and work environment?

I enjoy my work, and especially look forward to the weekly training workshop hosted by my supervisor, Oscar. I’m a very shy person, and he occasionally asks me questions like “What has been your goal recently?” to encourage further discussion, not only in terms of my work but also of my academic studies. Working here, I can really feel that CCD values students’ feedback. All my ideas are being valued, or at least been thoroughly thought of. I remember one time I came up with a new idea to do an interview self-introduction. I discussed it with Oscar and he encouraged and supported me all the way through to develop it into a workshop.

adriana student worker