Xianjie Sun

Relvin Sun
Adjunct Instructor of Marketing

Xianjie ”Relvin” Sun is a passionate data-driven professional, with a particular focus on the retail sector. He holds an IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) master's degree from Northwestern University and is the co-founder and CEO at HARB Data, a leading retail big data analytics firm in APAC.  With 15 years of experience in implementation of big data applications in retailing, Sun served as a top executive at world-leading big data firms and worked consistently with world leading retailers, E-commerce giants and manufacturers, including Walmart, Kroger, Tesco, Aeon, JD.com, Bytedance, Johnson&Johnson, Coca-Cola, and Mondelez. Sun is the co-author of the book “Retail Digital Marketing” with China Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA), the official and largest organization of retail industry in China. He has two lovely teenage sons and loves playing chess and karaoke with them. Sun's ultimate mission is to “use data to make retail smarter” and always looks forward to meeting and partnering with people to achieve this goal.


Select Publications

  • "Retail Digital Marketing" by CCFA and Xianjie Sun, 2018, published by High Education Press
  • "Retail Member Operation Whitebook" 2019, published by CCAGM (CHINA COMMERCE ASSOCIATION FOR GENERAL MERCHANDISE)



  • MS, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
    Northwestern University