The Enormous Possibilities in Molecular Biophysics

Aug 2 2016

Lectures and lively discussions on an array of cutting-edge research topics in the field of computational molecular biophysics -- a workshop presented by 28 world leading scientists, broke the summer tranquility of NYU Shanghai from July 23-25.

Sponsored by the NYU-ECNU Center for Computational Chemistry at NYU Shanghai, the three-day workshop aimed to cultivate novel research ideas and develop new methodologies for the most challenging problems in free energy calculations for biological processes, including protein dynamics, protein solvation, protein folding, protein-ligand binding, protein-protein interaction and related topics.  



John Zenghui Zhang, professor of chemistry at NYU Shanghai and director of the center, said the workshop provided an advanced platform for international exchange and collaboration among scientists -- it was also an excellent learning experience for young scholars and graduate students working in areas related to molecular biophysics.


“This workshop on molecular biophysics focuses on computational methods and applications in the study of  biomolecular interactions such as protein-ligand interaction, which is crucial for designing and discovering new medicine,” Zhang said.


Established in 2013, the center boasts of a core group of outstanding faculty members from New York University, East China Normal University, and NYU Shanghai who conduct frontier research in various fields of computational chemistry, biology, and material sciences.


Jeffrey Lehman, Vice-Chancellor of NYU Shanghai, described the center as an admirable example of a research institute “marked by the convergence of global engagement and the use of technology to improve human conditions,” which he said is the spirit of NYU Shanghai.