Show Your Glow at Ally Week


Starting Monday, November 5, Ally Week will be in full swing at NYU Shanghai. An NYU tradition designed to bring students, faculty and staff together to talk about and confront injustices facing us on both individual and societal levels, Ally Week will take place across all NYU portal campuses and study away sites.

“Part of what I really appreciate about Ally Week is that it is constructed in a way that people can come in and feel challenged without feeling attacked,” says Vice Chancellor Jeffrey Lehman.

Organized by the 2018 Ally Week Planning Committee, ambassadors, and volunteers, Ally Week is a chance for the community to engage in thoughtful discussion and learn from each other’s experiences and backgrounds.

Scheduled events at NYU Shanghai  include “#MeToo in China?” an examination of digital activism against sexual assault/harassment in higher education in China, talks about dating preference and interracial relationships, and “Safe Zone” training on practicing active and effective allyship to LGBTQIA+ students and community.

“I think NYU Shanghai provides students an educational experience in a diverse environment because we hope that they will also be able to examine and understand the world around them in a more comprehensive way,” says Chancellor Yu Lizhong. “Only then can we see the world fully.”

An evening of storytelling, spoken word and music celebrating diversity and this year’s  theme of Show Your Glow in the auditorium on Friday night will close out the week.  

Our 2018 Ally Week Ambassadors explain what inspires their allyship below:

Photos by Millie Wong '19



Sylvia Lee ’21

“I'm practicing allyship because I needed allies, and in the process of reaching out or trying to find allies, I learned how hard it is. I want to actively support anyone who needs allies rather than being ignorant until they have to come find me.”



Ryan Hoover  ’22

“I was inspired to practice allyship because I’ve experienced what it feels like being on the outside looking in. So, I want to be a source of positive light for people who are in need or questioning themselves. We’ve all had struggles, so we should embrace our collective struggling and celebrate our differences.”



Ellen Ying ’21

“Seeing how my friends could be hurt but also could be encouraged by even one word from others, I decided to practice allyship. Just a simple action will make a huge difference in another's life.”


Jay Veronique ’22

“I decided to practice allyship because I believe that no one should be discriminated for who they are. We are all human and worth something therefore I chose to be the person that reminds people that they matter. For most of my life I have been around persons that weren’t able to express themselves so I feel it’s my responsibility to make sure everyone can have a voice.”


Sam ‘22

“Growing up, I have witnessed injustices in my society and realized that people needed someone by them to support them. Having that support system is imperative to aid people in creating a safe space for the community.”




Follow @nyush_allyweek on Instagram and check out the NYU Shanghai Allies Facebook page here.