Fire Safety

Fire Safety

How to React to a Fire?

Please remember RACE during a fire: 

  • Rescue -- Rescue people in immediate danger
  • Alert -- Pull the fire alarm, dial the emergency phone number
  • Contain -- Close all doors and windows
  • Evacuate/Extinguish -- Evacuate the building, and extinguish a small fire


What is A Fire Alarm?

At NYU Shanghai, it is mandatory to activate the fire alarm upon discovering smoke or fire. The alarm system emits a series of coded signals and broadcasts, without any specific code distinguishing between a drill and a real fire emergency.


How to Report a Fire?

If you discover or suspect a fire:

  • Press the nearest fire alarm button.
  • Contact Campus Safety at 021-2059-5500 or dial 119 for the fire department.


How to Evacuate

  • Upon hearing the alarm, everyone must exit buildings through the nearest exit quickly and calmly from the stairway.
  • Follow the Exit Signage and Evacuation Chart posted in every room and corridor.


How Fires Start

Fire is a chemical reaction that involves the rapid oxidation or burning of fuel, requiring three elements: heat, oxygen, and fuel. If any one of these elements is removed, a fire cannot start or will be extinguished if already burning. To ensure fire safety, sources of HEAT are strictly prohibited. Smoking, vaping, or any form of burning is not permitted anywhere in the building, including washrooms and staircases.


How to Use a Fire Extinguisher?

A portable fire extinguisher should only be used in the early stages of a fire and only if it is safe to do so. Always position yourself with your back toward your escape route when fighting a fire. If needed, use the extinguisher to clear a path to safety without hesitation.


* IMPORTANT: Choose the correct class of extinguisher for the fire situation. Never fight a fire alone.

* For access to the Fire Safety Handbook, please refer to the NYU Shanghai Policies and Guidelines.