Xingchen Zhang

Headshot photo of Xingchen Zhang
Xingchen Zhang
Interactive Media Arts (IMA) Foundation Coordinator, Clinical Instructor of Interactive Media Arts (IMA), NYU Shanghai

Xingchen Zhang is an Interactive Media Arts (IMA) Foundation Coordinator and a Clinical Instructor of Interactive Media Arts (IMA) at NYU Shanghai. Prior to joining NYU Shanghai, he was a visiting researcher for the Game Lab at the University of California, San Diego. He holds a PhD from Shanghai University.

Xingchen's research interests are derived from the game industry and focus on systematic game design and implementing the gaming approach in reality. He worked in the game industry as CTO, art director, project manager, technical artist, and 3D artist. He has designed games and gaming experience for multiple platforms, including AR & VR experience.



  • PhD, Digital Art
    Shanghai University
  • MFA,
    Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
  • BFA,
    Shandong Normal University

Courses Taught

  • Creative Game Design and Development
  • Communications Lab