Jing Wang

Jing Wang
Assistant Professor of Interactive Media Business (IMB), NYU Shanghai

Jing Wang is an Assistant Professor of Interactive Media Business (IMB) at NYU Shanghai. She received her PhD from the School of Information and Communication at Rutgers University. Dr. Wang is interested in how communication technologies reshape business practices, corporate-government relations, and people’s everyday life. Her recent work studies digital innovation in consumer finance with a focus on the platforms, interfaces, and policy environments of fin-tech products. Dr. Wang has worked with the IT corporations and policy executives in China to promote innovations by and for the public. She has also been invited to comment on The China Business News and China Global TV Network. Before joining NYU, Dr. Wang taught at Tulane University in Louisiana.

Select Publications

  • Wang, J. (2023) Creative Visibility in the Digital Public: The Evolution of the Chinese Internet, The Communication Review, 26:1, 87-90, DOI: 10.1080/10714421.2023.2165767
  • Wang, J. (2022). Performative innovation: Data governance in China's fintech industries. Big Data & Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517221123312
  • Wang, J., Li, H., Xu, W. & Kevin Xu, (2022). Envisioning a credit society: Social credit systems and the institutionalization of moral standards in China. Media, Culture & Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443722112736
  • Wang, J. (2022). The Digital Financial Revolution in China Edited by Dollar, D & Huang, Y. The China Quarterly. Volume. 252. p1324-1325. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0305741022001448
  • Wang, J. (2021). “The Party Must Strengthen Its Leadership in Finance!”: Digital Technologies and Financial Governance in China's Fintech Development. The China Quarterly
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305741020000879
  • Wang, J. (2021). Fin-tech. In Borch, C. & Wosnitzer, R. Eds. Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies 
  • Wang, J. & Doan, M. (2019). The Ant empire: Digital technologies and corporate convergence within and beyond Alibaba. The Political Economy of Communication. Volume 6, Issue 2: p25-37
  • Wang, J. (2018). From aperture satellite to Internet finance: Institutionalization of ICTs in China’s financial industries since 1991. Telecommunications Policy, (42)7:566-574
  • Wang, J. (2018). Inclusion or expulsion: digital financial technologies and socio-technical formations in China's Internet finance. Communication and the Public. 3(1): 34-45
  • Wang, J. & Sinnreich, A. (2017). Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. In L.A. Shintler & C. L. McNeely (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Big Data. New York: Springer. p557-560.
  • Wang, J. (2017). “Stir-frying” Internet finance: Financialization and the institutional role of business and financial news in China. International Journal of Communication, (2017)11: 581-602
  • “金融科技的三个要点”《第一财经》(“The Three Pillars of Fin-techs.” China Business News, February 28, 2018)

Editorial Board: Journal of Cultural Economy, Cultural Studies



  • PhD, Information and Communication Studies
    Rutgers University
  • MA, Media, Culture, and Communication
    New York University
  • BA, Advertising
    Communication University of China
Research Interests
  • Media Studies
  • Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
  • Sociology of Finance
  • Institutions
Courses Taught
  • Understanding Financial Technology
  • Capstone Studio - Interactive Media Arts/Interactive Media Business
  • Global Media & Finance
  • Introduction to Media Industries and Institutions