Zixi Chen

Zixi Chen
Assistant Professor of Practice in Computational Social Science, NYU Shanghai

Zixi Chen is an Assistant Professor of Practice in Computational Social Science at NYU Shanghai. She earned her doctoral degree in Measurement and Quantitative Methods from Michigan State University in 2020. Prior to joining NYU Shanghai, Zixi was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota's Learning Informatics Lab and a visiting scholar at Infinite Campus, a leading US EdTech company.

Zixi is interested in applying computational social science methods to understand the technology-transformed educational and social behaviors. Trained as a methodologist, she is also interested in developing statistical tools to examine inferential and predictive bias resulting from data-driven methods. Zixi greatly values interdisciplinary and research-practice partnerships, seeing them as powerful approaches to catalyzing educational and social change. Her scholarly work has appeared in leading educational journals, such as American Journal of Education, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, and Teachers College Record. Alongside her research, Zixi is passionate about teaching in the realms of computational social science and quantitative methods. See more of her research and teaching at Zixi's website.


Research Interests

  • Teaching and learning interacting online and offline 

  • Quantitative methods (e.g., Multilevel Models, Sensitivity Analysis)

  • Computational social science methods (e.g., Text Analysis, Network Analysis)

  • Critical big-data framework