Zhong-Lin Lu is the Co-Director of the NYU-ECNU Institute of Brain and Cognitive Science, a Professor of Neuroscience at NYU Shanghai, and a Global Network Professor at the Center for Neural Science at NYU. Lu joined NYU Shanghai in 2019 from the Ohio State University, where he was the College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Professor of Psychology, Optometry, and Translational Data Analytics, and Director of the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging. Lu is a fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists and the Association for Psychological Science. He is also a co-founder of Adaptive Sensory Technology, Inc., a company that is devoted to transforming eye care with precision measurement. A physicist by training, Lu obtained a B.S. in theoretical physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1989, and earned his Ph.D. in physics at NYU in 1992. He was an Assistant Researcher in Cognitive Science at the University of California, Irvine from 1992 to 1996. He joined University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor of Psychology in 1996, rising to Professor of Psychology and Biomedical Engineering in 2005 and William M. Keck Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience in 2006. He was co-Director of the Dana and David Dornsife Cognitive Neuroscience Imaging Center at USC before joining the Ohio State University in 2011. For more information on Professor Lu's work and experience, please see his CV.
Read more in Top Neuroscientist to Lead Research at NYU Shanghai.
Select Publications
- Lu, Z.-L., Williamson, S. J. & Kaufman, L. (1992) Behavioral lifetime of human sensory memory predicted by physiological measures. Science, 258: 1668-1670
- Lu, Z.-L. & Sperling, G. (1995) Attention-generated apparent motion. Nature, 379: 237-239
- Lu, Z.-L. & Sperling, G. (1995) The functional architecture of human visual motion perception. Vision Research, 35: 2697-2722
- Suppes, P., Lu, Z.-L. & Han, B. (1997) Brain-wave recognition of words. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA, 94, 14965-14969
- Lu, Z.-L. & Dosher, B. (1998) External noise distinguishes mechanisms of attention. Vision Research, 38, 1183-1198
- Dosher, B. & Lu, Z.-L. (1998) Perceptual learning reflects external noise filtering and internal noise reduction through channel selection. Proceedings of National Academy, USA, 95, 13988-13993
- Lu. Z.-L., Neuse, J., Madigan, S., & Dosher, B. (2005) Decay of iconic memory in observers with mild cognitive impairment, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 102, 1797-1802
- Sperling, A. J., Lu, Z.-L., Manis, F. R. & Seidenberg, M. S. (2005) Deficits in template formation may underlie the etiology of developmental dyslexia, Nature Neuroscience, 7 (8), 862-863
- Petrov, A., Dosher, B. & Lu, Z.-L. (2005) Perceptual learning through incremental channel reweighting. Psychological Review, 112 (4), 715-743
- Lu, Z.-L. & Dosher, B. A. (2008) Characterizing observer states using external noise and observer models: Assessing internal representations with external noise. Psychological Review, 115 (1), 44-82
- Huang, C. B., Lu, Z.-L., & Zhou, Y. F. (2008) Broad bandwidth of perceptual learning in the visual system of adults with anisometropic amblyopia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 105 (10), 4068-4073
- Li, X. R., Lu, Z.-L., Tjan, B., Dosher, B. A. & Chu, W. (2008) Blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast response functions identify mechanisms of covert attention in early visual areas, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 105 (16), 6202-6207
- Xue, G., Lu, Z.-L. Levine, I. P., Weller, J. A., Li, X. R. & Bechara, A. (2009) Functional Dissociations of Risk and Reward Processing in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 19, 1019-1027
- Li, X., Lu, Z.-L., D’Argembeau, A., Ng, M. & Bechara, A. (2010) The Iowa gambling task in fMRI images, Human Brain Mapping, 31, 410-423
- Lesmes, L. A., Lu, Z.-L., Baek, J. & Albright, T. (2010) Bayesian Adaptive Estimation of the Contrast Sensitivity Function: the qCSF method, Journal of Vision, 10(3):17, 1–21
- Hua, T., Bao, P., Huang, C. B., Wang, Z., Xu, J., Zhou, Y. & Lu, Z.-L. (2010) Perceptual Learning Improves Contrast Sensitivity of V1 Neurons in Cats, Current Biology, 20, 887-894
- Xue, G., Mei, L., Chen, C., Lu, Z.-L., Dong, Q. & Poldrack, R. (2010) Greater neural pattern similarity across repetitions is associated with better memory, Science, 330(6000):97-101 (DOI: 10.1126/science.1193125)
- Bejjanki, V. R., Beck, J. M., Lu, Z.-L. & Pouget, A. (2011) Perceptual learning as improved probabilistic inference in early sensory areas, Nature Neuroscience 14: 642-648
- Dosher, B., Jeter, P., Liu, J. & Lu, Z.-L. (2013) How does visual perceptual learning transfer? An integrated reweighting theory (IRT) of perceptual learning and transfer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 110(33): 13678–13683
- Lu, Z.-L. & Dosher, B. (2013) Visual Psychophysics: From Laboratory to Theory, The MIT Press. (464 pages)
- PhD, Physics
New York University