Yan Wang

Yan Wang
Clinical Assistant Professor, Writing Program, NYU Shanghai

Yan Wang is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Writing Program at NYU Shanghai. She comes to NYU Shanghai with over 15 years of experience in teaching ESL and EFL in China, Spain, and the U.S. Prior to this appointment, Yan Wang taught writing courses in the Expository Writing Program (EWP) at University of Washington. Yan Wang’s primary research specialization is the relationship among language, culture, and identity. As a proponent of critical and anti-racism pedagogy, Yan focuses her research and teaching on helping students from multilingual backgrounds find their own voices in academic writing. She keeps active in exploring critical pedagogical approaches by presenting at conferences such as Modern Language Association (MLA), Washington Association for ESL Education (WASOL), and other local and international organizations on topics of how to involve students in the recontextualization and transformation of the dominant Center discourse.


Select Publications

  • Doctoral Dissertation: Navigating through Challenges: Multilingual Preservice Language Teachers’ Identity (Re)construction

  • Conference presentation at MLA: Colorful Languages: A Classroom Practice Empowering Students’ Bi-/Multilingual Identity

  • Translation work from English to Chinese: 诺姆·乔姆斯基,《必要的幻觉》,南京大学出版社,2020. Chomsky, N. (2003). Necessary Illusion. House of Anansi Press. 


  • PhD, Language and Rhetoric
    University of Washington 

    University of Washington 

  • MA, Linguistics
    Hebei Normal University

  • BA, English
    Wuhan University

Research Interests
  • Critical theory

  • Writing pedagogy

  • Language teacher education

  • Translation and interpretation