Michael Yuen

Michael Yuen
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow for Global Perspectives on Society (GPS), NYU Shanghai

Michael Yuen is a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow for Global Perspectives on Society (GPS) at NYU Shanghai. He received his PhD in philosophy from the Australian National University in 2022. Michael works at the intersection between contemporary epistemology and the history of philosophy, especially Kant. He has three research projects concerning epistemology and Kant in the areas of (1) epistemic virtue and vice, (2) rational faith and hope, and moral psychology, and (3) epistemic states higher than knowledge such as comprehension.

Michael papers can be found here: michael@michaelyuencom.au


Capstone Supervision Interests

  • History of Philosophy

  • Epistemology

  • Moral and Political Philosophy

  • Analytic Philosophy of Religion

  • The Phenomenological Tradition

  • Philosophy of Technology