Mariann Ollár

Mariann Ollár
Assistant Professor of Economics, NYU Shanghai

Mariann Ollár is an Assistant Professor of Economics at NYU Shanghai. She is a researcher in economics who contributes to the fields of Game Theory and Mechanism Design. At NYU Shanghai, Mariann teaches Game Theory, Microeconomics, and Market Design. She is from Hungary and studied in Budapest and then, received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her papers have been published in the American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies and the Economics Letters. Her research focuses on the robustness of organizations and institutions; and the role of beliefs and transfers in economic settings.  



Select Publications

  • Ollár, Mariann, and Antonio Penta. 2023. "A Network Solution to Robust Implementation: The Case of Identical but Unknown Distributions." The Review of Economic Studies; rdac084, 

  • Ollár, Mariann, and Antonio Penta. 2022. "Efficient Full Implementation via Transfers: Uniqueness and Sensitivity in Symmetric Environments." AEA Papers and Proceedings, 112: 438-43. DOI: 10.1257/pandp.20221088

  • Ollár, Mariann, and Antonio Penta. 2017. "Full Implementation and Belief Restrictions." American Economic Review, 107 (8): 2243-77. DOI: 10.1257/aer.20151462

  • Ollár, Mariann. 2010. "Monotonicity and robustness of majority rule." Economics Letters, 107 (2): 288-90.



  • PhD, Economics
    University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • MA, Economics
    Corvinus University of Budapest


Research Interests

  • Mechanism Design

  • Economics of Information

  • Microeconomics

  • Game Theory