Linmin Zhang

Linmin Zhang
Undergraduate Coordinator of Neuroscience, Assistant Professor of Practice in Neuroscience, NYU Shanghai
Linmin Zhang is an Undergraduate Coordinator of Neuroscience and an Assistant Professor of Practice in Neuroscience at NYU Shanghai. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from New York University and a BA in French Language & Literature from Fudan University.
Her research interests include formal semantics and experimental linguistics, with a combination of formal logic and experimental methods to study inference patterns and compositional details of linguistic expressions, aiming for a better understanding of underlying human cognition and the general computational mechanisms of linguistically-encoded meanings. Her current projects focus on dynamic semantics, degree semantics, questions, numerals and quantifiers, causal dependence, counterfactuals, attitude reports, and formal techniques applicable to natural language semantics.  Her work has been published in Linguistics & Philosophy, Journal of Semantics, NeuroImage, etc.

Prior to her current appointment, Zhang was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Concordia University and NYU Shanghai. 


Select Publications

  • Zhang, Linmin*, & Jia Ling. 2021. The semantics of comparatives: A difference-based approach. Journal of Semantics 38 (2): 249–303.

  • Zhang, Linmin*. 2020. Split semantics for non-monotonic quantifiers in than- clauses. In Peter Hallman (ed.), Syntax & Semantics Vol. 42: Interactions of Degree and Quantification. 332–363.

  • Zhang, Linmin*, & Liina Pylkkänen. 2018. Semantic composition of sentences word by word: MEG evidence for shared processing of conceptual and logical elements. Neuropsychologia 119: 392–404.

  • Ciardelli, Ivano*, Linmin Zhang*, & Lucas Champollion*. 2018. Two switches in the theory of counterfactuals: A study of truth conditionality and minimal change. Linguistics & Philosophy 41(6): 577–621.



  • PhD, Linguistics
    New York University

  • BA, French Language & Literature
    Fudan University

Research Interests
  • Formal semantics and pragmatics
  • Philosophy of language
  • Experimental linguistics
  • Psycho-/Neuro-linguistics