Lin Chen

Lin Chen (陈麟)
Area Head of the Writing Program, Clinical Associate Professor, Writing Program, NYU Shanghai

Lin Chen is an Area Head of the Writing Program and a Clinical Associate Professor of the Writing Program at NYU Shanghai. Prior to this appointment, he developed, taught, and assisted in teaching a wide variety of composition and writing-intensive literature courses at the University of Washington and the University of California, Riverside. He holds a PhD from the University of Washington, an MA from the University of California, Riverside, and a BA from Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

Chen’s primary area of specialization is Chinese-Western comparative poetics. Trained as a literary comparatist, he aims in both his teaching and research to promote deep cultural dialogues between China and the West. Building on his work for his dissertation, “Tao Yuanming and William Wordsworth: A Parallel Study,” he is currently working on book projects that seek to reexamine key elements of a culture, such as the concept of literature, as they enter, take root, and transform themselves in new cultures.



  • PhD, Comparative Literature
    University of Washington
  • MA, Comparative Literature
    University of California, Riverside
Research Interests
  • Chinese-Western comparative poetics
  • Literary theory
  • Translation studies
  • Rhetoric and composition
Courses Taught
  • Writing as Inquiry
  • Perspectives on the Humanities: Sino-Western Literary Exchanges
  • Perspectives on the Humanities: “Literature” and Its Critics
  • Cultural Translations: China and the West