Laura Tripaldi

Laura Tripaldi
Artist in Residence, Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor of Interactive Media Arts (IMA), NYU Shanghai

Laura Tripaldi is a transdisciplinary researcher at the interface of science, technology, and speculative thinking. Her research focuses on materiality, exploring its cultural implications and technological futures. 

She holds a PhD in Materials Science and Nanotechnology from the University of Milan-Bicocca. She has taught courses, seminars, and workshops in several cultural and academic institutions, including the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Medialab Matadero Madrid, the University of Roma Tre, the Institute for Postnatural Studies, and the New Center for Research and Practice. 

Her writing was featured in numerous publications, books, and exhibition catalogs. Her book Parallel Minds (Urbanomic, 2022) was translated into multiple languages and presented at festivals and conferences worldwide.

Select Publications

  • Laura Tripaldi, Parallel Minds. Discovering the Intelligence of Materials, Urbanomic, Falmouth, 2022.

  • Laura Tripaldi, Colloidal Ontologies. In Janez Janša, Nora O’ Murchú (editors), A Short Incomplete History of Technologies that Scale. Aksioma and Transmediale, Ljubljana, 2023



  • PhD, Materials Science and Nanotechnology
    University of Milan-Bicocca

  • MSc, Chemical Sciences
    University of Milan

  • BSc, Chemistry
    University of Milan

Research Interests

  • Speculative technology

  • Non-human intelligences

  • New materialisms