Jiayong Liang

Jiayong Liang
Assistant Professor of Practice in Environmental Studies, NYU Shanghai
Jiayong Liang is an Assistant Professor of Practice in Environmental Studies at NYU Shanghai. As a geographer and spatial data scientist, Jiayong applies remote sensing techniques to identify, quantify, and model the Earth's natural resources and environment for human well-being. Her work has resulted in new approaches to environmental investigations, especially flood analytics with multi-modal data (satellite images, storm simulations, land use and land cover, topographic data, and in situ measurements). After receiving her doctoral degree, Jiayong worked in environment-tech industries to translate her remote sensing and data science techniques into decision support for international and national government agencies and insurance companies, to help them effectively prepare for and respond to climate disasters. She has published mainly in the areas of geographic information science and remote sensing. 



Select Publications

  • Jiayong Liang, Desheng Liu (2021). Automated Estimation of Daily Surface Water Fraction from MODIS and Landsat Images Using Gaussian Process Regression. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(11), 4261-4283.

  • Jiayong Liang, Desheng Liu. (2020). Estimating Daily Inundation Probability Using Remote Sensing, Riverine Flood, and Storm Surge Models: A Case of Hurricane Harvey. Remote Sensing, 12(9), 1495. 

  • Jiayong Liang, Desheng Liu. (2020). A local thresholding approach to flood water delineation using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 159, 53-62. 

  • Jiayong Liang, Xiaoping Liu, Kangning Huang, Xia Li, Xun Shi, and Yaning Chen. (2015). Improved snow depth retrieval by integrating microwave brightness temperature and visible/infrared reflectance. Remote Sensing of Environment. vol.156, 500–509.

  • Jiayong Liang, Xiaoping Liu, Kangning Huang, Xia Li, Dagang Wang, and Xianwei Wang. (2013). Automatic registration of multi-sensor images using an integrated spatial and mutual information (SMI) metric. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. vol.52, no.1, 603–615.




  • PhD, Geography
    The Ohio State University

  • MPS, Geospatial Information Science and Engineering
    SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

  • MS, Cartography and Geographical Information System
    Sun Yat-Sen University

  • BS, Geographical Information System
    Sun Yat-Sen University


Research Interests
  • Remote sensing image processing and applications of earth resources and environment
  • Geospatial modeling and machine learning; Resources and hazards management