Chandrashekar Radhakrishnan

Chandrashekar Radhakrishnan
Visiting Associate Professor of Practice in Computer Science, NYU Shanghai

Chandrashekar Radhakrishnan is a Visiting Associate Professor of Practice in Computer Science at NYU Shanghai. He received his PhD from the University of Madras and worked as Postdoctoral Fellow at NCHU in Taiwan and NYU Shanghai. He worked as an Associate Professor at Ecole d’ Ingenieurs du monde numerique (ESIEA) and as Principal Scientist at the Center for Quantum Information, Communication and Computing at IIT Madras. His research interests are in the field of quantum information theory, quantum computing, mathematical physics and statistical mechanics. 


Select Publications

  • S. Harikrishnan, J. Segar, P. Rohde and R. Chandrashekar. Accessible and inaccessible quantum coherence in relativistic quantum systems. Physical Review A 105, 052403 (2022).

  • R. Chandrashekar, M. Lauriere and T. Byrnes. Multipartite generalization of quantum discord. Physical Review Letters 124, 110401 (2020)

  • R. Chandrashekar, Z. Lu, J. Jing and T. Byrnes. Dynamics of quantum coherence in a spin-star system: Bipartite initial state and coherence distribution. Physical Review A 100, 042333 (2019)

  • R. Chandrashekar, M. Parthasarathy, J. Segar and T. Byrnes. Distribution of quantum coherence in multipartite systems. Physical Review Letters 116, 150504 (2016).

  • R. Chandrashekar, I. Ermakov and T. Byrnes. Quantum coherence of planar spin models with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction. Physical Review A 96, 012341 (2017).



  • PhD, Physics
    Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Madras 

  • MSc, Physics
    Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Research Interests

  • Quantum Information theory

  • Quantum Computing

  • Mathematical Physics

  • Statistical Mechanics 

Courses Taught
  • Mechanics

  • Electromagnetic theory

  • Modern Physics

  • Quantum Information theory

  • Quantum Computing Lab

  • Discrete Mathematics