Finding clarity during uncertainty: how to lead our way out of the VUCA


Due to the COVID-19, NYU Shanghai Career Development Center and the NYU Global Alumni Program decided to move the Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series online to reach as many students and alumni as possible. The series is a 1-hour live session including a lecture or panel (45 minutes) and an interactive Q&A section with the audience (15 minutes). Through these sessions, by listening to our brilliant and engaged alumni sharing their experiences, wisdom, and industry knowledge, we hope students can gain new insights in planning their careers.

Finding clarity during uncertainty: how to lead our way out of the VUCA

VUCA is a concept that describes the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of the world. From the end of 2019 until now, the COVID-19 outbreak in China has seriously impacted the Chinese economy and society, and even the global economy because of increasing global connectivity. In such background, we invited NYU Stern MBA’01 alumni James Chang ( China Consulting Leader, PwC China) and NYU Shanghai CO’17 alumni Sherry Zhuang (Senior Consultant, PwC China), to share their insights on how we should reposition and adjust ourselves to deal with uncertainties and stay competitive in the long term.

March 20 2020


NYU Shanghai's picture
Reported by NYU Shanghai UC Gazette


"All of us need to change from mindset to skillset. My advice is: first, embrace and adapt to all changes, no matter whether you like it or not. Secondly, upskill your digital capacities and enable yourself to do things you are good at, passionate about, and which are also in demand. Thirdly, from an industry perspective in China, areas such as health care, education, elderly care, get a lot of attention, so those are the areas to think about and focus on."

-- James Chang (Stern ’01), China Consulting Leader with PWC China, spoke at the Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series held by Career Development Center and NYU Global Alumni Program on March 16. In his talk, titled Finding Clarity During Uncertainty, Chang shared three pieces of advice for finding one’s way in volatile times with alumna Sherry Zhuang ’17 (Senior Consultant at PwC China) and the audience.