Ruth de Llobet

Ruth de Llobet
Coordinator of Perspectives on the Humanities, Clinical Associate Professor, Writing Program, NYU Shanghai

Ruth de Llobet is a Coordinator of Perspectives on the Humanities and a Clinical Associate Professor of the Writing Program at NYU Shanghai. She holds a PhD in Southeast Asian History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Formerly, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at KITLV, Leiden, the Netherlands, a FASS Postdoctoral Fellow at the National University of Singapore, and a former postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Global Asia at NYU Shanghai. Previously, she taught at the University Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona, Spain. Her research interests include Southeast Asian history; the political and constitutional history of the Philippines; Asian interconnections, networks, and colonial elites; and the age of revolution in an Asian and global context. 

On those subjects, she has published several articles, including: "El poeta, el regidor y la amante: Manila y la emergencia de una identidad criolla filipina" (2009), “Chinese Mestizo and Native’s Disputes in Manila and the 1812 Constitution: Old Privileges and New Political Realities, 1813-1815” (2014); “Luis Rodríguez Varela: Literatura panfletaria criollista en los albores del liberalismo en Filipinas, 1790-1824” (2018) as well as “Spanish Filipinos in Spain’s Constitutional Assembly (1810-1814): Trade and Politics in a Hispanic Border in Southeast Asia” (Forthcoming 2021). She is one of the co-authors of the book Los Roxas. Filipinas en el siglo XIX a través de una familia hispano-filipina (2020) and she is currently working on two manuscripts. 


  • PhD, Southeast Asian History
    University of Wisconsin-Madison