Jennifer Egloff

Jennifer Egloff
Undergraduate Coordinator of the Writing Program, Clinical Assistant Professor of History, NYU Shanghai
Having joined NYU Shanghai in Fall 2020, Jennifer Egloff is the Undergraduate Coordinator for the Writing Program and a Clinical Assistant Professor of History in the Humanities Department at NYU Shanghai. A strong advocate of interdisciplinarity, Egloff combines her PhD training in Early Modern Atlantic History and the History of Science, and her undergraduate training in Mathematics, in both her research and teaching. 
Broadly speaking, her research explores multivalent ways that Anglophone individuals utilized numerical methods and mathematical techniques to confront challenges brought on by the opening of the Atlantic to increased exploration and commerce, competing religious philosophies, and the increased availability of information. 
Her current book project Apocalyptic Atlantic: Elite and Popular Eschatology in Early Modern England and British North America explores the impact that the discovery of the Americas, and ongoing events within and across the Atlantic—especially those involving indigenous populations—had on conceptions of the Apocalypse, and predictions of when and how the End Times would unfold. It considers transatlantic, transreligious, and transcultural knowledge networks, and the extent to which they were interconnected, while exploring the interdisciplinary methods that early modern individuals employed—termed eschatological mathematics—in order to calculate when the Apocalypse would occur. 


Select Publications


  • Article: “Logarithms: Invention and Evolution,” Routledge Resources Online (Forthcoming)
  • Article: “Denis Papin and the Digester of Bones,” Routledge Resources Online (2022) – Available:
  • Article: “Chapter and Verse: Biblical Indexing and Control in Early Modern England” – History Studies 18 (2018): 29-40.
  • Blog Post: “The Pressure Cooker was Not an Instant Success” – The Recipes Project (2019) – Available:


  • Article: “Calculation as a Cultural Act: Incorporating Early Written Sources and Early Modern Instruments into Mathematics Courses,” Open Science Framework Meetings platform (2018) – Available:
  • Currently Undergoing Peer Review - Article: “The College Essay is Not Dead: Using Scaffolding and Presentations to Create ChatGPT-Resistant Research Projects,” Proceedings of the H-Net Teaching Conference



  • PhD, History
    New York University (2015)
  • MA, History
    State University of New York at Buffalo (2004)
  • BA, History
    State University of New York at Buffalo (2002)
  • BS, Mathematics
    State University of New York at Buffalo (2002)
Courses Taught
Humanities (and Mathematics) Courses
  • Abacuses, Astrolabes, and Quipu: A Global History of Mathematics (Fall 2024)
    • Introductory History Course - Fulfills Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Core Requirement OR Mathematics Core Requirement
  • Popular Culture and the Scientific Revolution (Spring 2025) 
    • Advanced History Seminar - Fulfills Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Core Requirement
  • Great Ideas in Mathematics: Quantitative Reasoning 
    • Introductory Mathematics Course - Fulfills Mathematics Core Requirement
Writing Program Courses
  • Writing as Inquiry (Spring 2024 and Spring 2025)
  • Perspectives on the Humanities: Quantitative Literacy (Fall 2024)