Angran Li

Angran Li
Assistant Professor of Sociology, NYU Shanghai

Angran Li is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at NYU Shanghai. Before joining NYU Shanghai, he was an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Zhejiang University. Broadly defined, Angran’s research examines mechanisms through which social, spatial, and temporal contexts, independently or jointly, lead to the inequality of parental practices and educational outcomes. He explores how those relationships affect intergenerational transmission of advantages/disadvantages across social groups and national contexts from a comparative perspective. His research has been published in the Social Forces, Sociology of Education, Social Science Research, Chinese Sociological Review, and other journals.


Select Publications

  • Li, Angran, Simon Cheng, and Todd E. Vachon. 2022. “Too Much of a Good Thing? Testing the Curvilinear Relationship between Parental Involvement and Student Outcomes in Elementary School.” Social Forces.

  • Li, Angran, Michael Wallace, and Allen Hyde. 2019. “Degrees of Inequality: The Great Recession and the College Earnings Premium in US Metropolitan Areas.” Social Science Research 84:102342.

  • Li, Angran, and Daniel Hamlin. 2019. “Is Daily Parental Help with Homework Helpful? Reanalyzing National Data Using a Propensity Score–based Approach.” Sociology of Education 92(4):367-385.

  • Li, Angran. 2019. “Unfulfilled Promise of Educational Meritocracy? Academic Ability and China’s Urban-rural Gap in Access to Higher Education.” Chinese Sociological

  • Li, Angran, and Mary J. Fischer. 2017. “Advantaged/disadvantaged School Neighborhoods, Parental Networks, and Parental Involvement at Elementary School.” Sociology of Education 90(4):355-377.



  • PhD, Sociology
    University of Connecticut 

  • MA, Sociology
    University of Connecticut 

Research Interests
  • Social Stratification and Mobility

  • Sociology of Education

  • Urban Sociology

  • Quantitative Research Methods